my arms r out of proportion to my body they r alot bigger with not as much definition as i would like. i have been training for 4 years, im 22, 94kg's and around 6ft and am over halfway into a cycle. Im just looking for any info or exercises or maybe a routine that could cut them right up thanks! ill give you the arm routine. sorry if it is simple sounding this is my first post.
bi's- sit down curls with the arm restand bar, stand up curl, curls with your hands gripping the opposite way, hammer curls, sit down curls with dumbells alternating.
tri's- tri pushdown. tri pulldown with the rope. tri pull with the rope behind my head and hunched over, tri push up with the hammer bar behind my head sitting down. dips.
all is 3 sets of 10. i would appreciate any feedback
i am also thinking of having stanazol just a week or so before i have finished this cycle of sustanon250 with deca50. i would like comments on if i am heading down the right path as i have very limited knowlegde.