6-9 Total Sets, not including warm up. Only warm up...don't fatigue during warm up. 4-6 Rep Range on Working Sets. So, I would do say Bar 10, 95 x8, 135 x 8, 155 x 4, 185 x 1...and none of that counts just warm up. Then 195 x 6, 195 x 6, 205 x 4 for flat bench. Thats just 3 sets, then I do 3 sets of Incline, no warm up required, then 1 set of db flies and I'm done.
I'm not the biggest guy, but I figure if the best natural guys in the world train like this, this should work for all of us. I've seen this highly effective for all levels...I mean a stronger muscle is going to be a bigger muscle, the idea isn't to fatigue the muscle with a bunch of sets...the idea is to get stronger. You wouldn't run a mile and then squat would you? The philosophy is smiliar to Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates, but a bit more refined I think. Besides if your in the gym for more than 45mins you hit a catabolic state anyway...
P.S. The Guy I work for trains this way, Natural all his life, 30 years old, 200 lbs shredded, 400+ bench, 500pds squat, and 700lb deadlift...shit works...also look at Jeff Willett.