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Thread: Development of the CHEST muscles...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Development of the CHEST muscles...

    Ok since someone pointed out that I am lacking in my CHEST region I want to throw my CHEST routine out there and see if I should stick with it and just give it time or if I should add or subtract something...


    Flat Bench - 4 sets , 1 warmup set (135lb x 20 reps) 225lb x 10, 245lb x 8, 275 x 6 dropset to 135lb til Failure

    Incline DB presses - 3 sets 70lb x 10, 80lb x 10, 80lb x 10 (GYM DOESN'T GO HIGHER than this.. I know I know, I need to find a new gym.. lol)

    Weighted Dips - 4 sets - BW x 10, 45lb x 10, 45 x 10, 90lb x 8

    Decline DB Presses 2 sets- 80lb x 10 * 2

    DB Incline Flyes 3 sets- 60lb x 10, 65lb x 8, 70 x 6
    Superset w/
    Cable Crossovers 3 sets- 50lb x 10, 60lb x 8, 70lb x 6

    I have been following this routine for 2 weeks... today is CHEST DAY again so I will be leaving to go to the gym in like 10 minutes so if anyone has any suggestions at all.. it would be PERFECT to hear them now... Thanks in advance guys !!

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I would pick either the dips or decline presses and only do one per workout. Maybe move the incline presses to last since they only go to 80's. You will be more fatigued and it you wont be able to use as much weight.

  3. #3
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    Thanks FIREGUY.. you caught me just in time... noted and done.. I will tweak it to that.. now.. for when I return, how long should I run this routine for?? 4 weeks?? change it next week?? change it in a couple weeks?? I am confused on that whole aspect... Thanks again !!

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I tend to run my chest routines 6-8 months at a time. I know many advocate switching more often. I also only do 2 exercises for chest (3 precontest) but I am to the point where I have probably acquired 90% of the size I am ever going to pack on so its all about balance and symmetry for me these days.

    If it were me I would keep running the same routine until I stopped growing from it. Changing the pace and rep range can be just as effective as changing exercises as well.

  5. #5
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    I would get rid of the DB declines. To me they are very risky getting them in place and lying back at a decline is asking for it. Id stick to BB decline if ya wanna do them.

  6. #6
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    Why not switch the DB Incline to BB Incline do it as your first exersize? I know from expierence that doing Incline first has blown up my chest. Flat is kind of the ego lift. Another thing I noticed, I don't think theres any reason to sets of 6 for flies/cross overs...jmo
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 07-19-2009 at 09:55 PM.

  7. #7
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    if u really want to develope your chest, start doing incline barbell first instead of flat barbell. do some flat barbell at the end of your workout, with lighter weight of course and do the reps slow. and since your post is about chest muscle, not chest strength, i think u should lighten the weight and do more than 6 reps on last sets.

  8. #8
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    Ok awesome.. Fair enough.. Yah I want to develop the muscle definition FIRST and then from there I can ADD .. the SIZE andd STRENGTH but it's back to basics for me, if you check out my pics in the members section my CHEST is definitely lacking... I got another 5 days before my next scheduled Chest routine.. so HOPEFULLY i can get this whole workout regimen for my chest critiqued to it's FULLEST so I know I am doing something correct... LOL...

    So what I have decided so far is that I am going to startout w/ INCLINE BB Presses, 2nd- Go with Flat Bench DB Presses, 3rd- Incline Flyes SuperSet with Cable Crossover, 4th- Weighted DIPS (Or Decline BB), 5th Incline DB Presses, and Last but not LEAST Flat Bench BB Presses Lower weight (more strict and slower movement to accentuate the Chest muscle and get it to hopefully start to form a lot more smoothly...

    What do you guys think of that?? Am I on the right Path so far??

    Thanks for all the help you dudes are the Best !!

  9. #9
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ok awesome.. Fair enough.. Yah I want to develop the muscle definition FIRST and then from there I can ADD .. the SIZE andd STRENGTH but it's back to basics for me, if you check out my pics in the members section my CHEST is definitely lacking... I got another 5 days before my next scheduled Chest routine.. so HOPEFULLY i can get this whole workout regimen for my chest critiqued to it's FULLEST so I know I am doing something correct... LOL...

    So what I have decided so far is that I am going to startout w/ INCLINE BB Presses, 2nd- Go with Flat Bench DB Presses, 3rd- Incline Flyes SuperSet with Cable Crossover, 4th- Weighted DIPS (Or Decline BB), 5th Incline DB Presses, and Last but not LEAST Flat Bench BB Presses Lower weight (more strict and slower movement to accentuate the Chest muscle and get it to hopefully start to form a lot more smoothly...

    What do you guys think of that?? Am I on the right Path so far??

    Thanks for all the help you dudes are the Best !!
    seems like alot of exercises bro. how many sets each? personaly i would do eather db or bb presses one week then do the other the next. just hit it hard and get out.stimulate dont inialate is what lee haney used to say.hittingthe muscle with all the different angles i feel is more inportant than volume for volumes sake. just be carefull to not overtrain cus then the gains will be slower.just throwing that out there.keep at it bro and hit it hard.

  10. #10
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    Personally, I think 19 sets is a little excessive. I usually only ever do 9 sets in total and then a final set of push-ups to failure. However, different strokes for different folks, I guess.

    How many sets do you do on your other body parts?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by skitz1 View Post
    Personally, I think 19 sets is a little excessive. I usually only ever do 9 sets in total and then a final set of push-ups to failure. However, different strokes for different folks, I guess.

    How many sets do you do on your other body parts?
    you do 9sets what your routien?

    i normally do 3sets incline decline and then flat then move onto flys 2sets of incline decline and flat so thats 15sets for me ranging from 8 to 10reps always stuggling on the last 2 reps if you know what i mean

  12. #12
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    Ok so, I usually will do like a lot of sets.. I really need to stop that.. ok.. I am addicted to the gym. I hate leaving.. and yah I may do an excessive amounts of sets and that is honestly probably WHY i am not making as many gains as I should be because I am overtraining my body... WHO KNOWS.

    All I do know is that, I am not overly sore the next day so my brain automatically thinks that I didn't DO ENOUGH !! Ya know what I mean??

    What can I do to combat this? Am I overtraining? Am I doing too much?? I don't think I am...

    How can I tell IF I am overtraining??

    If I am I need to stop so I can appropriately train... I just HATE leaving the gym, it's kinda like the feeling for me when you really really like a woman and u have spent the past 24 hours with her just having ridiculously GREAT sex and you have to go HOME and shower.. yah .. it's that's kinda feeling..

  13. #13
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    try more controlled movement bring bar down slower hold just above chest for a sec do not rest on chest and then back up and squeeze at the top.

    so when you do 10reps say in 12 seconds slow it down and do 8reps in 14secsonds if you get what i mean

  14. #14
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    6-9 Total Sets, not including warm up. Only warm up...don't fatigue during warm up. 4-6 Rep Range on Working Sets. So, I would do say Bar 10, 95 x8, 135 x 8, 155 x 4, 185 x 1...and none of that counts just warm up. Then 195 x 6, 195 x 6, 205 x 4 for flat bench. Thats just 3 sets, then I do 3 sets of Incline, no warm up required, then 1 set of db flies and I'm done.

    I'm not the biggest guy, but I figure if the best natural guys in the world train like this, this should work for all of us. I've seen this highly effective for all levels...I mean a stronger muscle is going to be a bigger muscle, the idea isn't to fatigue the muscle with a bunch of sets...the idea is to get stronger. You wouldn't run a mile and then squat would you? The philosophy is smiliar to Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates, but a bit more refined I think. Besides if your in the gym for more than 45mins you hit a catabolic state anyway...

    P.S. The Guy I work for trains this way, Natural all his life, 30 years old, 200 lbs shredded, 400+ bench, 500pds squat, and 700lb deadlift...shit works...also look at Jeff Willett.

  15. #15
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    Big Dog I would try instead of the 1 real set you were doing something like

    Warm Up Bar, 135 x 10, 185 x8, 225 x 6, 245 x 4, 265 x 1

    Working Sets 3, 275 6, 275 6, 295 4+

    You probably have a huge chest, I just think you need a few more sets that actually tax you, all that other crap is just fatiguing you, instead of stimulating new muscle growth.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by rap87 View Post

    6-9 Total Sets, not including warm up. Only warm up...don't fatigue during warm up. 4-6 Rep Range on Working Sets. So, I would do say Bar 10, 95 x8, 135 x 8, 155 x 4, 185 x 1...and none of that counts just warm up. Then 195 x 6, 195 x 6, 205 x 4 for flat bench. Thats just 3 sets, then I do 3 sets of Incline, no warm up required, then 1 set of db flies and I'm done.

    I'm not the biggest guy, but I figure if the best natural guys in the world train like this, this should work for all of us. I've seen this highly effective for all levels...I mean a stronger muscle is going to be a bigger muscle, the idea isn't to fatigue the muscle with a bunch of sets...the idea is to get stronger. You wouldn't run a mile and then squat would you? The philosophy is smiliar to Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates, but a bit more refined I think. Besides if your in the gym for more than 45mins you hit a catabolic state anyway...

    P.S. The Guy I work for trains this way, Natural all his life, 30 years old, 200 lbs shredded, 400+ bench, 500pds squat, and 700lb deadlift...shit works...also look at Jeff Willett.
    benching 400+ nautral hes very strong indeed if i had a hat i take it off lol

  17. #17
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    Yeah, hes kind of a genetic freak..he thought he'd one day see 500pds, but he seemed to peak in his 20s and he hasn't been able to progress more than a few pounds either way since his early 20s, but I've never seen a dude with freaker looking legs...the guy pulls 700pds naturally at 200pds, its just insane, but hes been working out for 12years. All I know is the guy believes in big weight big muscle, the diet gets you shredded, and its hard to argue with that. I mean why fatigue a muscle...its not about endless sets, its about stimulating it, going home recovering and growing. I think whether or not you use gear or not the training methods work the same, get stronger get bigger, however I suppose on gear you have to be careful or your tendons and joints not accommodating your new found strength as fast, but maybe then you stay with 6's, but get stronger, not more fatigued.
    Last edited by rap87; 07-20-2009 at 10:05 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by rap87 View Post
    Big Dog I would try instead of the 1 real set you were doing something like

    Warm Up Bar, 135 x 10, 185 x8, 225 x 6, 245 x 4, 265 x 1

    Working Sets 3, 275 6, 275 6, 295 4+

    You probably have a huge chest, I just think you need a few more sets that actually tax you, all that other crap is just fatiguing you, instead of stimulating new muscle growth.
    Was this meant for me or... for someone named BIG DOG... I am confused??

    Because this almost looks identical to the routine i did.. MINUS the Bar warmup part... WEIRD...

    And the last workin' set.. I didn't do that either...

    I think for my next Chest Workout I am gonna start with Incline BB and try my luck with that to start my chest routine, then do a Decline Exercise, then a flye/crossover superset, and finish with FLat Bench... so a total of 4 exercise and try not to exceed 12 working reps... and MAXIMUM of 15 sets including WARMUP sets for the next 6 weeks to see what KIND of gains I get... if I start gaining SIZE and STRENGTH like crazy then I'll know that I have MAD overtraining for the past 6 months.. but oh well...

    There has to be something I can do to remove myself from the gym at the 45 minute MARK.

    I have found myself still going HARD at an Hour and a Half.. I can't help it.. addicted much?? lol...

  19. #19
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    To me you only did 1 working set of 275 for 6, so thats not the same as what I'm suggesting. You did a lot of unnecessary warm ups just to do 1 real set of 275 6. I'm saying double up your heavy weight for 2 sets of that and jump up to a 4. Your warm ups are just that warm ups, just to get you acclimated to the real weight, in reality they don't even count for anything towards growth. Your not going to grow off of 8 and 10 reps in my opinion or at least not significantly. You can get out of the gym in 45 mins by doing 3 sets of flat and 3 sets of incline, maybe 1 fly with 3 min rests in between working sets quite easily. Trust me you think that your going hard after an 1.5, but if your holding some in the tank doing 10 and 15 reps, thats why you can do that, you still have some in the tank. Hit some maximal loads in the 4-6 rep range, and I guarantee you'll feel you demolished your chest and are ready to go recover at the 45min mark. Don't take my word for it though, check out that website, the best natural guys in the world train that way and see great results, the high volume stuff just doesn't work after a certain level.

  20. #20
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    I don't think you should focus on the numbers going INTO the work out, focus on the reps and weight AFTER.

    You need to run a routine more than 4 weeks to see if it works.

    Just figure your sets like this:

    Flat Bench:
    Warm up: 135
    Set 1: 225
    Set 2: 275
    Set 3: 245

    Log how many reps you get for each one then.

    The next week, you have to increase something. Add 10lbs, get another rep, take less time between sets. You have to have a goal, small, achievable goal, for each work out. If that log says 225x8 your in the mindset, okay, 8 reps, lets go! Get as many as you can, and then next week, get 1 more!

    Strength comes before size, and as long as you keep your form perfect, diet in check, growth is on the way.

    But chest is one of the easiest things to work on, easy movements, easy to isolate.

  21. #21
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    There is a lot of great info in this,

    Ok so, if I follow a program like this can it be converted to say INCLINE BENCH instead because well from what I understand, all things considered.. That is what we all NATURALLY LACK is an upper chest, and that is what truly defines the CHEST muscle is that upper portion of the muscle.. IE-- Arnold Schwarzenegger

    So if I were to start with Incline would it look relatively the same?? Only shooting for 4-6 reps?? REMEMBER I am trying to pack on SIZE...

    SO.. let's look at it this way... so I start my chest workout this Sunday. I walk into the gym do my quick shoulder routine to warm up my shoulder's and rotator cuff muscles which is a 15lb DB in each hand doing 10 reps Side Laterals, 10 reps V-style raises, and 10 reps each arm rotator cuff movement isolation... (If you don't know what I mean, refer to BRANCH WARREN'S : Unchained Raw Reality.. he does this same warm up before each workout session aside from LEGS day to get the SHOULDERS ready for the load)

    Anyways so.. I grab a plate each side (135lbs) on the Incline Bench, Slam out a quick 10 reps. Perfect I am warmed up.

    Set 1- 185/8reps
    Set 2- 205/6reps
    Set 3- 225/4reps
    Set 4- 205/6reps

    Ok look good so far Guys?? That's my workout for the Incline Bench first exercise of the day.

    Now I move on to Let's Go with DECLINE BENCH NOW w/ DB's since I LACK in that AREA too...

    Set 1- 65/8reps
    Set 2- 75/6reps
    Set 3- 80/4reps

    Bring DB's all the way down to my ARMPITS.. no half-assing it.

    Next Exercise I am going to go with FLAT BENCH just because I want to incorporate it into my workout but also because it's a necessity to have a good bench. I am throwing it in third in my routine because at this point I should be fully pumped. A little bit Fatigued but right now I am not going so much for strength in the FLAT BENCH as I am for SIZE in the Upper chest region.. plus for the past 6 months I have been doing FLAT BENCH as my first EXERCISE in my chest routine so I feel it's time to switch it up.

    Set 1- 225/8reps
    Set 2- 245/6reps
    Set 3- 275/4reps
    Set 4- 315/2reps --- dropset to 225/til failure (shoot for 4-6 reps)

    Last exercise for my Chest workout is going to be the SUPERSET i discussed... INCLINE FLYE + Cable Crossover but only 2 sets !!

    Set 1- 50lb Db's/8reps + 70lb on the Plate Stack/8reps
    Set 2- 60lb/6reps + 80lb/6reps

    There what do you guys think of that??

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