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Thread: I need MY Arm workout Critiqued..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Question I need MY Arm workout Critiqued..

    Ok so This is my proposed workout for the DEVELOPMENT of my ARMS...

    I'll start with the Bicep Portion...

    Barbell Curl w/ Olympic Barbell (wide grip) - 4 Sets - Just Bar x 10 (Warmup)
    75lb x 10, 95lb x 10, 105lb x 10

    Standing DB Hammer Curls - 3 sets - 50lb x 10, 60lb x 8, 70lb x 8

    Seated DB Alternating Curls - 3 sets - 35lb x 10, 40lb x 8, 45lb x 6

    Preacher Ez Curl Close Grip - 2 sets - 60lb x 20 , 70lb x 20

    NOW The Tricep Part

    CG Bench Press - 4 sets - 135lb x 10, 155lb x 10, 185lb x 8, 205lb x 6

    Seated Dip Machine - 3 sets - 180lb x 20, 270lb x 10, 360lb x 10

    Tricep Seated Overhead Extension (2 hands) - 3 sets - 70lb x 12, 80lb x 10*2

    Skull Crushes - 3 sets - (EZ CURL BAR) - 105lb x 10, 125lb x 8, 135lb x 6

    What do you guys personally think?? I just re-worked this.. I was thinking the sets were a little too much and might cut it down by one or two... But overall I think this covers all basis... Thanks in advance as always guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I would never go over 9 sets for triceps or biceps. I think you are overworking them.

  3. #3
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    Jay Cutler Once said, You can not OVERTRAIN/OVERWORK a muscle.. as long as you eat enough food to substantially sustain muscle growth then you should be all set.. is there truth to that??

    And being as it is, I am only working with 12 sets here.. so if I were to cut it down to 9.. I would just subtract and exercise right?? Which one out of each do you think would be be the best to subtract from the workout.. I am thinking of getting rid of the SEATED ALTERNATING DB CURLS for Bi's and the skull crushes for Tri's.. what do think of that??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Or I could keep all of the exercises and just reduce the number of sets by 1 in each of the WORKOUTS... hmm decisions...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I would drop the seated dumbell curls and drop the skull crushers you can rotate every week with close grip bench press. So this week it's close grip next week it's skull crushers it will keep your tris guessing. You can do the same thing with seated curls and preecher curls. The more variety the better IMO.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Jay Cutler Once said, You can not OVERTRAIN/OVERWORK a muscle.. as long as you eat enough food to substantially sustain muscle growth then you should be all set.. is there truth to that??

    And being as it is, I am only working with 12 sets here.. so if I were to cut it down to 9.. I would just subtract and exercise right?? Which one out of each do you think would be be the best to subtract from the workout.. I am thinking of getting rid of the SEATED ALTERNATING DB CURLS for Bi's and the skull crushes for Tri's.. what do think of that??

    he pumps a shit load of steroids and has great genetics and has been doing this his whole life and does nothing else.

    if you are the same then go for it. but like most individuals are not like this. we try to workout and not over train to get the best results possible.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ok so This is my proposed workout for the DEVELOPMENT of my ARMS...

    I'll start with the Bicep Portion...

    Barbell Curl w/ Olympic Barbell (wide grip) - 4 Sets - Just Bar x 10 (Warmup)
    75lb x 10, 95lb x 10, 105lb x 10

    Standing DB Hammer Curls - 3 sets - 50lb x 10, 60lb x 8, 70lb x 8

    Seated DB Alternating Curls - 3 sets - 35lb x 10, 40lb x 8, 45lb x 6

    Preacher Ez Curl Close Grip - 2 sets - 60lb x 20 , 70lb x 20

    NOW The Tricep Part

    CG Bench Press - 4 sets - 135lb x 10, 155lb x 10, 185lb x 8, 205lb x 6

    Seated Dip Machine - 3 sets - 180lb x 20, 270lb x 10, 360lb x 10

    Tricep Seated Overhead Extension (2 hands) - 3 sets - 70lb x 12, 80lb x 10*2

    Skull Crushes - 3 sets - (EZ CURL BAR) - 105lb x 10, 125lb x 8, 135lb x 6

    What do you guys personally think?? I just re-worked this.. I was thinking the sets were a little too much and might cut it down by one or two... But overall I think this covers all basis... Thanks in advance as always guys.

    Dips, CGB, and Skulls are three really big mass building Tricep exersizes. I think three in one work out is too excessive...I would just pick two and change them up each week. Rotate between Reverse Grip Bench, Close Grip, Dips, and Skulls...I would substitute a pull down in there in place of the 3rd compound movement.

  8. #8
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    I would find a spot for some type of cable movement for tri's.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    thats way to much volume
    i never go over 6 sets for biceps or triceps since i find development is the best at this volume, any more and recovery takes to long and overtraining can become a problem
    HOWEVER everyones different BUT u should never do more then 9 sets

    and as said earlier jay cutler has some of the best genetics in existance of mankind and is injecting grams upon grams of anabolics every week
    of cours ehe couldnt overtrain, hed prob grow if he just stared at weights with the amount of gear hes got in him
    and U CANT OVERTRAIN ASLONG AS U HAVE ENOUGH CALORIES? thats complete bullshit, the body has only limited recovery abilities, and calorie utalisation
    thats like saying A CAR CAN KEEP DRIVING ASLONG AS IT HAS ENOUGH FUEL, a cars tyres, suspension etc also give way eventually, so the fuel only helps to a certain point until something else gives way
    see where im going with this?
    steroids do allow u to improve recovery and utalisation BUT they only help to a certain point
    someone like jaycutler with the amount of anabolics in him prob could train as hard as he likes and eat huge amounts and would just grow and not get fat
    NOT U THOUGH, unless uve got his genes and the amount of gear he does, uve got no shot

  10. #10
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    I would pick 3 exercises for bi's and 3 for tri's and stick with that. For bi's I like one elbow neutral movement (standing/seated curls). One prestretch movement (spider curls on an incline bench) and one elbows forward movement (preacher curl of some kind).

    Same with tri's. One push down movement (dips) one pressing movement (CG Bench) and one prestretch movement (overhead DB extensions).

    All exercises work in a prestretch, neutral or peak contraction form. Its called Points of Flexion.

  11. #11
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    Ok these are all points duly noted for next weeks routine.. I got to the gym yesterday before all this hit in the forum.. I of course as always once I was there, just didn't stop and ended up doing 15 sets for each part. Let me outline what I did.... i know now that it was too much and I knew then when I was doing it that it was too much hahaha... It's hard to stop, I just have to do it from now on.. WHAT I WRITE IN MY BOOK IS WHAT EXACTLY I WILL DO... NO ADDING OR SUBTRACTING of sets or exercises...


    (Set 1.) Barbell Curl 20 reps, just the bar (45lbs) to warm up, (Set 2.) 75lb.x 10, (Set 3.) 95lb. x 8, (Set 4.) 105lb. x 6

    (Set 5.) Hammer Curls warmup- 30lb x 15, (Set 6.) 50lb. x 10 (Set 7.) 60 x 8, (Set 8.) 35lb. x 13, (Set. 9) 65lb x 6 [dropset 35 x 10]

    (Set 10.) Preacher Curl warmup- EZ CURL BAR[CLOSE GRIP] 50lb x 12, (Set 11.) 60lb x 10 (Set 12.) 70lb x 8 (Set 13.) 80lb x 6

    (Set 14.) V-Bar Cable Curl 80lb. x 12 (Set 15.) 80lb x 15 [SS] 25lb DB's Curl x 10 {For Final Pump and Slaughter}


    (Set 1.) Tricep Overhead Dual Hand DB Extensions - 60lb x 20, (Set 2.) 70lb x 10, (Set. 3) 75lb x 10, (Set 4.) 80lb x 10

    (Set 5.) Seated Dips - 180lb x 10, (Set 6.) 270lb. x 10 (Set 7.) 360lb. x 8

    (Set. 8) Skull Crushers 70lb x 12 (Set 9.) 80x 10, (Set 10.) 110lb x 4 (Set 11.) 110 x 6, (Set 12.) 70lb x 8

    (Set 13.) Double Overhead Tricep extension w/ 25lb Dumbbells x 10

    (Set 14.) V-Bar Tricep Cable Pushdown 80lb x 20 (Set 15.) 80lb x 25

    There ya have it.. That is what I did.. I didn't feel likke I overtrained.. I am not sore really at all.. a little bit of you know that feeling like "Yah I worked that part out on my body yesterday" yah that feeling... I know I probably did too much but like I said..

    MY MAIN FOCUS IN THIS WEEK OF TRAINING IS MAKING SURE I AM FOCUSING ON THE MOVEMENT OF THE MUSCLE AND TARGETING IT SPECIFICALLY.. No more swinging the weights around.. perfect form is key and in the past couple months I can admit I have been letting it slide a little bit just to add that extra weight on there...

    **KNOCK ON WOOD **


    So it's back to the basics and if that means dropping the weight to get perfect form than so be it !!

    ANYWAYS... Now that you can see EXACTLY WHAT I DID, With the exact amount of weight maybe you can throw in a little bit more advice on this issue... My arms are really LAGGING and would like to kick them up a notch so any advice would be so awesome !! THANKS BROS !!

  12. #12
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    Since your arms are lacking and your trying to build them up you should not end the sets with the heaviest weight but you should begin with the heaviest weight.

    Ask yourself this "What will make my bicep larger curling 110lb or 75lbs?"

    You know the answer. So if your goal is 10 reps pick the heaviest weight you can do that with. If your like me you'll only get 9 reps because you think your as strong as hell and you picked too much weight the next set you'll only get 7 reps and the last set maybe 5 or 6 reps.

    But you will be doing it with the heaviest weight possible not working up to 110 lb but instead starting with 125 lbs. Try it! It works much better than what you have posted.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Jay Cutler Once said, You can not OVERTRAIN/OVERWORK a muscle.. as long as you eat enough food to substantially sustain muscle growth then you should be all set.. is there truth to that??

    And being as it is, I am only working with 12 sets here.. so if I were to cut it down to 9.. I would just subtract and exercise right?? Which one out of each do you think would be be the best to subtract from the workout.. I am thinking of getting rid of the SEATED ALTERNATING DB CURLS for Bi's and the skull crushes for Tri's.. what do think of that??
    i don't buy into jay cutler's bs 2 hour workouts. I've noticed that the great champions always keep their workouts short, sweet, and to the point. Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates are two prime examples of this. Dexter Jackson only lifts weights 4 hours a week. The only exception to this rule that I know of is Arnold.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by green22 View Post
    I would find a spot for some type of cable movement for tri's.
    ^^^ agreed , i dont bother on cables when training biecepts, but get alot out of cables when working my tri's

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