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Thread: Motivation!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    I have done everything that was in trend in my life time...

    I have used every single possible energy drink there ever was or is.

    I have been on cycles, 5 so far.

    I have achieved set goals in BF
    bench press
    total body weight

    I just cant convince myself to go workout anymore.
    I have done cycles which were just lost due to the lack of my motivation.

    I think this fits here because I would greatly appreciate your way of convincing yourself to go workout every day.

    and please don't take it personally if I come back with a "reason" that beats your motivation.
    Because I have this mental debates everyday with myself.
    after 12 hour work days sometimes I cant even convince myself to even go back down to the locker to bring my gloves and I just do legs instead.

    or I say to myself nothing can change -improve- in a month since all you can really do is 4 workouts ( I am a math freak and numbers really mess up my drive)

    never the less I am 230
    13-16bf current
    bench 405
    row 540 (hammer strength)
    preacher curl 215 (hammer strength)

    in need of some of your ways to use to get some solid gains in my arms.
    i tend to react very fast ( i am 19 1/4" at this time) but i loose it very fast,

    it seems if I dont go heavy on everything that I do that optically-cosmetically I loose it very fast, 3 weeks of high reps and i am an inch smaller all around in all areas.

    being eastern euro size is very much more appreciated then cuts.

    please help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Just sounds like you're a little burnt out right now. And 12 hour work days doesn't help i'm sure. But i don't think someone should have to convince themself to go to the gym. You either want to go or you don't. There's only been a few occasions in my life i forced myself to get in the gym. And that was because i was going out of town for an extended amount of time and wanted to get it in before the long layoff. Other than that, if i don't want to go i don't go. I go home and rest then hit it a day or two later. No biggie.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I hear that...

    I do want to go, thats why I have the dilemma.
    yet I just dont have the drive, lately, to push to make it worth it.
    I hate the people who come to the gym for push ups or pull ups. when I go I pay my dues real hard and sometimes its more of a mental workout....

    when I dont go it bothers me that I didnt go the day after

  4. #4
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    what about taking up a sport?? maybe some set some new goals..or take some time off all together...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    As being Eastern Euro descent Myself (Bulgarian + Moldavian)[My Grandfather was a mix of these two nationalities before coming to America in 1953.. he resided in Bulgaria (His Father was Bulgarian and Mother Moldavian) Then of course he interbred with a Woman of Irish/French/Swedish descent {My GrandMother} and that became my the two who made my MOTHER... So I have the BLOODLINE in Me.. somewhere...]

    I totally understand where this complex on size comes from..

    How about training for something DIFFERENT altogether.. LIKE STRONGMAN !!

    Atlas Stones, Truck Pulls, LOG Thrusts, Tire Flips... Things of that nature.. it's sure to ADD on size my friend... OR even UP YOUR FOOD INTAKE TO SOMETHING RIDICULOUS.. Eat 10k cals a day and see what happens... Ya know?? Whatever ya decide to do.. let me know and keep me updated, I am very interested in knowing the avenue you choose.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Thank you on your interest guys.

    I played water polo professionally back in my youth, which kind of was starting point of obsession.
    I do jiu jitsu when I have time, but quite frankly gym fits so much easier in my routine just because its not set time for meetings or classes. I will think about trying to join another club with more martial art programs. (thank you)

    The Deuce my friend, STRONGMAN is all I do, that is one of the problems

    (not really tire flips and truck pulls since I live in downtown area of a very large city it is not very commonly practiced)

    in past year I have never done a chest work out where I havent maxed out my push. DB incline is up to 135 ( i do twisting motion where I start in regular position and DB end up touching far corners when pushed up in front of my face)
    strength machine I got to 6 plates on each side (with a bit of bouncing help when no spotter)

    I think i will stick with power training...

    What are your goals, what do you guys care about?

    in strength?

    in looks?

    in size?

  7. #7
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    my long term goal is to have the best physique pos and for me that would be a male fitness model not really that fused about how strong i can get maybe that will change in the future though i still lift heavy (for me)....yes looks are important to me hence wanting the best body only 5.6 and i weigh about 185 pounds, im happy with the weight but not with my really sticking at my diet and cardio at the min to achieve my goals....

    ive trained in boxing and kickboxing in the past and loved it but due to injury my goals had to change..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    well guys here i am again,

    going to start a blog, (please do help and advise where to put it)

    i am going to use 1t-tren with some other stuff(will explain everything soon)

    my goal is to bench press 155lbs DB's 8+times by xmass...

    (since i am old school to me bench press means incline AND flat, I start very low and wide and I twist toward the top making the out points of DB touch eacother on when on top of my chest, thats the only way i believe some one has the full control over it)
    Last edited by anabolicshark; 09-08-2009 at 11:19 AM. Reason: misspell

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Boston, MA
    All my friends ask me how I get the motivation to keep going to the gym, eat food they find boring or disgusting, and give up parying/drinking... It basically comes down to me having an insane drive to not let myself be average, I feel like I need to do something special..the gym and building my body is where that motivation leads me to

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