I have done everything that was in trend in my life time...
I have used every single possible energy drink there ever was or is.
I have been on cycles, 5 so far.
I have achieved set goals in BF
bench press
total body weight
I just cant convince myself to go workout anymore.
I have done cycles which were just lost due to the lack of my motivation.
I think this fits here because I would greatly appreciate your way of convincing yourself to go workout every day.
and please don't take it personally if I come back with a "reason" that beats your motivation.
Because I have this mental debates everyday with myself.
after 12 hour work days sometimes I cant even convince myself to even go back down to the locker to bring my gloves and I just do legs instead.
or I say to myself nothing can change -improve- in a month since all you can really do is 4 workouts ( I am a math freak and numbers really mess up my drive)
never the less I am 230
13-16bf current
bench 405
row 540 (hammer strength)
preacher curl 215 (hammer strength)
in need of some of your ways to use to get some solid gains in my arms.
i tend to react very fast ( i am 19 1/4" at this time) but i loose it very fast,
it seems if I dont go heavy on everything that I do that optically-cosmetically I loose it very fast, 3 weeks of high reps and i am an inch smaller all around in all areas.
being eastern euro size is very much more appreciated then cuts.
please help