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  1. #1
    LakaSteve's Avatar
    LakaSteve is offline New Member
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    routine questions

    hey guys, i am trying to get a routine critiqued to find out how i can isolate certain aspects of my body that are weaker in perspective to other parts of my body, i have alright definitiong in my upper body, but i lack strength and size in my legs and my chest is very minimal, and my abs have a nice layer of beer on them that id like to get rid of, stats are 21 5'9" 173 lbs, bd% unknown but my avatar is a pic i took a few days ago for estimates, im working on getting a diet critiqued also, so i can figure out whats best. what i was thinking was since my main goal is gain major size in my chest and size/strength in my legs while cut far in the rest of my body what do you guys think would be a good routine for me to follow. im prepared for a 6 day workout cycle. even two times a day if needed. let me know what you think! thanks everyone

  2. #2
    LakaSteve's Avatar
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    i also will mention that my arms, shoulders, traps, and back are very strong, automotive background must have done that. i would just like to be more proportionate(mis-spelled)

  3. #3
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    hey bro your looking for critiquing but you havent posted up any diet or workout

  4. #4
    LakaSteve's Avatar
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    well the diet im working on because i need to get my bf tested, and do a shit ton of figures and as far as the work out routine i havent had a set one for a very long time, i have been out of the country and trying to get to a real gym when i can and using a shitty multigym thing that deosnt do the trick, but if youd like me to say what i usually do, then that consists of:

    on just about everything depending on how i feel ill do 3-4 sets of 8 and i raise the amount of weight on each set.

    day 1: chest and bi's

    usually start with peck deck as a warm up doin 3 sets of outer chest isolation
    then 3 sets of inner isolation, then i go to dumbell incline flys then to cable decline flys, then to dips or a dumbell arm raises when laying on a bench startign with my arms straight above my head,

    then i move to bi's and i start with dumbell curls 3-4 sets as with everything else. then to preacher curls with a barbell. then to hammer curls while on a half bubble thing(dont know what the real name of it is) then to cable curls.

    i usually am worn out and dont feel like doing abs by this time but sometimes ill do crunches till i cant move.

    day 2: legs

    leg presses
    adding a plate to each side between each set. usually almost failing on my 4th set.
    leg extentions
    calv raises, then im usually lost when it comes to legs, maybe some hack squats or leg curls or squats, i run out of ideas at this point and usually go home since i hate doing my legs.

    day 3: back and tris

    seated cable rows
    wide grip pull ups (or lat pull down) depending on what i feel like
    bent over dumbell rows
    then ill do the excersize where you lock your feet in to a device and it supports your quads and you bend over and work your lower back lifting your body back up, then ill sometimes use a plate to increase weight.
    then one of the other hammer strength back machines either a declined row type of deal or inclined. forgive me on the lack of terminology here.

    then to tri's
    skull crushers
    cable arm extentions
    over head dumbell raises
    tricep press.
    i switch that up every time substituting certain things depending on the facility at hand

    day 4: legs again

    day 5:chest/bi's again

    day 6:shoulders

    arm raises from my sides with dumbells
    arm raises to the front
    reverse peck deck
    shoulder press dumbell
    then leaned over dumbell raises with arms slightly bent

    i know its not perfect by any means, but please let me know what im doing wrong and if you guys know what the best workout is for increasing chest size and leg strength

  5. #5
    LakaSteve's Avatar
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    if i need to post weight amounts for everything i can, it will just be general, but putting it simply, i usually take the max that i can do and take 10 to 15 pounds off that and start with that then move up 5 lbs each set till i hit max, inless its a barbell type of exersize using two limbs, then i would take my max and take off 20 to 30 lbs and move up in increments of 10 to 20 between sets

  6. #6
    JackSparrow is offline New Member
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    You should be squatting and benching if you want to bring your legs and chest up, nothing beats the basic mass building excercises

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Training legs twice in 3 days isnt good either, but from the sounds of things you arent really training them either day but just going through the motions with a couple easy exercises. I would fix that first.

  8. #8
    LakaSteve's Avatar
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    ok, so substituting a few bench excersizes in my chest routine and spreading out my legs routines more then 3 days apart and adding squats will help i take it. sounds good. any other suggestions?

  9. #9
    LakaSteve's Avatar
    LakaSteve is offline New Member
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    my lack of leg routine knowledge is probly because everyone i have ever worked out with has never done legs with me, and i usually learn by watching. ill definitly work on that first

  10. #10
    Alphatier's Avatar
    Alphatier is offline Member
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    This should give you a good idea of what exercises you should look in to:

    Exercises Per Body Part Chart

  11. #11
    LakaSteve's Avatar
    LakaSteve is offline New Member
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    great, thanks a lot, ill look up form on youtube also like was suggested.

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