i am currently on a 500mg a week test ethanathe cycle
kik started it offf with 40mg dbol daily, which ive stopped now
im 4 weeks in
workout is as follows
day 1: chest, outer shoulders
2 sets decline press
2 sets dips
2 sets peck deck
1 set dumbell press
2-3 sets lateral raises
DAY 2: outer back, traps, forearms, biceps
2 sets lat rows
2 sets chinups
1 set pull ups
2 sets barbell shrugs
2 sets wrist curls
day 3: legs, calves
4 sets of any of the follwoing variety: squat, machine squat, leg press, 45 degree leg press,
2 sets leg curls
2 sets calf raises using 45 degree leg press
DAY 4: triceps, shoulders
2 sets barbell shoulder press front
2 sets behind neck shoulder press
2 sets bench dips
2 sets tricep extensions
2 sets tricep pressdown
day 5: inner back, lower back, glutes, traps, forearms
3 sets deadlift
2 sets dumbell rows
1 set upright rows
1 set shrugs
2 sets wrist curls
day 6: same as day 3 or JUST calves, reocery abilites decide
day 7 REST
MY PROBLEM IS ALL my lifts are going up nicely
EXCEPT my dumbell rows
i cant seem to get them to grow
any suggestions?
its not my diet, coz ive been gaining nicely with my diet in all other lifts, so its to do with my training