im posting my different workouts all week to get some critiques on them and see what i can add and take away. dont laugh at the weight im just start:P
stats 6'4 235 20%Bf (working the diet in diet forums also)
3set x 10 dumbbell press 60lbs
3set x 10 dumbbell fly 25lbs
3set x 10 incline dumbbell press 55 lbs
3set x 10 incline dumbbell fly 25lbs
3set x 10 decline dumbbell press 45lbs
3set x 10 decline dumbbell fly 25 lbs
2set x 10 Cable Cross over 50lbs
2set x (burnout) crunches
25 mins run treadmill at 7.5mph pace.
on my 10th rep i was struggling but maintaining my form.
all together this took me about 1 hour and 10 mins not including run
Is it to much on the chest or not enough. did i work out all the muscle i needed on the chest?
im doing back tomorrow will post that to get some critique on that. thanks