I have had this problem for quiet some time now...especially on bi's, back, and chest workout days. About 3-4 hours after the workout whatever muscle group i trained that day, will normally cramp up on me. And not just one time...constent cramping....for example if its my bi's, everything time i would bend my arm the outter part of the bi will cramp. I drink atleast 1/2 gallon of water at the gym during the workout. About 20 mins after workout i am having a protein sake with about 800-1000 calories right now...plus i add oatmeal for extra carbs. Then i will eat lunch about 30 mins after that. I have been told before not enough carbs, but i put more carbs down and still not helping any.
Am i overtraining? Is this normal? Is it a good thing maybe lol?
Just very curious on why my muscles do this. Any information or suggestions will help and be appreciated. Thanks!