Hey Guys!
Thought I'd post up in the workout section for once and see if you guys can help me out.
Im gonna post a recent pic on this thread so you will have a better idea of my problem areas.
47 years old
6' 3"
238lbs Yesterday
BF 16.4%
Just coming off 15 week cycle (500mg cyp 15weeks/300mg deca 10 weeks)
FYI this cycle was not a success do to some personal things that happened.
(Divorce will do that!)
Chest and back are my two biggest problem areas. Can get a V shape from back, but not much thickness.
Shoulders and arms seem to kick in on all heavy chest movements. Have gone to only dumbbell incline presses and flys for heavy work on chest day.
Was wondering if I should lighting up on weight and focus more on hitting the correct muscle group. Kinda ole school lifter. Gotta lift big ta be big, you guys know what I mean.
Thanks guys
Oh.............................. Current goal is to have some sort of abs by xmas (be good ta me Santa!)
Next cycle will be after I see abs and not before!