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Thread: Degree of Incline on presses

  1. #1

    Degree of Incline on presses

    What do most hear prefer?

    I feel like at 45 degree I am resorting to using rear delts too much BUT with lower incline I am not at enough of an incline to make the movement different than flat presses.

    Thoughts or suggestions?

  2. #2
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    Just last week i changed my inclines to declines, as its been pointed out, declines are infact better...

  3. #3
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    I agree with 007.. plus its better for your shoulders,it lessens shoulder impingement. But i still love doing incline though.

  4. #4
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    I think its best to switch the degree from time to time in order to hit differant muscle fibers in the chest that are not always being used .

    Just to put a differant kind of stress on the muscle group

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by topherhinton View Post
    I agree with 007.. plus its better for your shoulders,it lessens shoulder impingement. But i still love doing incline though.
    so you think decline is better for your shoulders than incline? Funny thing is, I feel a lot of strain in my front delts when doing decline dumbbells.

  6. #6
    I would have agreed with you all about decline a few months ago but I did some reading and incline is what I am see recommend more. The article that led me to do more research was from Christian Thibaudeau. He was basically blasting decline as a 'look at me' movement. I will see if I can find it...

    Before you climb all over me let me say I still do decline just to change up my routine. We are going in a whole different direction now, but I like hearing other about other successes...trial and error to learn!

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    To answer the original question I prefer to keep it at around 30 degrees.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    To answer the original question I prefer to keep it at around 30 degrees.
    Gosh we are so much alike they even gave us the same colors now...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed View Post
    Gosh we are so much alike they even gave us the same colors now...
    Other than that extra 25lbs of muscle you got on me....

  10. #10
    i like a low incline, but most commercial gyms have incline bb presses that are set too high and are not adjustable. even the free benches that are incline usually dont go below about 40.
    so i sometimes put a few plates under the end of a flat bench, or if im lucky they have one that is adjustable from flat up to 90 and i can put it where i want.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    What do most hear prefer?

    I feel like at 45 degree I am resorting to using rear delts too much BUT with lower incline I am not at enough of an incline to make the movement different than flat presses.

    Thoughts or suggestions?
    A low incline is enough because you are now bringing the bar down to the upper chest instead of the lower chest when doing flat presses!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    A low incline is enough because you are now bringing the bar down to the upper chest instead of the lower chest when doing flat presses!
    Thanks Ronnie & Fire! I figured as much just from trying different degrees. Ronnnie can you answer me this regarding your statement. Do you recommend bringing the bar down to right above the nipple (silly point of reference) or a bit higher on the chest?

    A bit technical I know but I am at the point where I am really concentrating my chest movements...keeping my movements in good controlled rythm...or trying.

  13. #13
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Interested in hearing R2's opinion as well. As for me I bring the bar down to the upper chest, right below the clavicle. Every now and then I will even do them where I bring them down and touch my chin with them (that really ensures a slow negative). With DB's I bring them down until the inside collar lightly touches my pec/delt tie in.

  14. #14
    I am with you Fire. Higher on the chest seems to give me a deeper stretch across the pec muscle. Also makes the press a more deliberate movement so you really get that mind-muscle connection. Interested to hear Ronnie's insight.

  15. #15
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    45 degree IMO hits to much of my shoulders. I use 35, i feel more stress on my upper chest and less on my delts

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