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Thread: Help Getting Bigger Arms for a Hardgainer

  1. #1

    Help Getting Bigger Arms for a Hardgainer

    I posted a thread earlier today with questions about weight gain on a test e/deca cycle....Well I have one more topic of discussion/questions I need help on. I am currently thru my second cycle. After the first one I did, my whole upper body exploded in size (traps, back, chest,etc.) but my arms did not get that much bigger. I am really looking to capatilize on this second cycle and finally put some meat on my arms. Any particular exercise or tips on how to reallllllly shock your arms (biceps and triceps) into growth. Any help would be great. Thanks

  2. #2
    correction***- I am "going thru my second cycle", week 6 of 12

  3. #3
    are you related to bob probert? that guy is a party animal.

    THE BEST WAY TO PUT SIZE ON YOUR ARMS: put emphasis on your compound movements and eat/sleep/train well. there isnt really any magic secret to it. oh, and tren helps, lol.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2008
    There is a section dedicated to workout questions for future reference. Make sure to only post steroid related questions in here as I'm sure this will be moved shortly to its correct section....

    Most that are new in the game of lifting first thing I realize when doing arms their form sucks. They lift WAAAAAAY outside their range and workout every other muscle group besides the one being targeted.

    Basic heavy weight with correct form, use preacher bench with a bar or dumbbells, super sets, drop sets, work them twice a week.

    How are you legs? Do you squat? Realize working out your lower body will in fact increase the size of the upper body as well.

  5. #5
    ok that all sounds good...sry about posting in the wrong section, i'm new to forums in general...thanks for the info tho

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Go to the training section and post your program and they will re-design it for you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    To get big arms, get yourself on a basic program that focuses on the leg, hip and back structure without neglecting the arms themselves. As you improve your squatting ability, for reps and say 100lbs, your curling poundage should readily come up by 30lbs or so if you work hard enough on curls. This will add size to your biceps. While adding 100lbs to your squat, you should be able to add 50-70lbs to your bench press, for reps. This assumes you've put together a sound program and have worked hard on bench. That will add size to your triceps.

    If your desperate to add a couple of inches to your upper arms you'll need to add 30lbs or more over your body, unless your arms are way behind the rest of you. Dont start thinking about 17inch arms or even 16inch arms so long as your bodyweight is 130, 140, 150, 160 or even 170lbs. Few people can get big arms without having a big body. Your unlikely to be one of the exceptions.

    15 sets of arm flexor exercises and 15 sets of isolation tricep exercises with a few squats, deadlifts and bench presses thrown in as an afterthought will give you a great pump and attack the arms from all angles. However, it wont make your arms grow much, if at all, unless your already squating and benching big poundages, or are genetically gifted.

    As your main structures come along in size and strenght (hip, thigh and back structure, and the pressing structure), the directly involved smaller body parts are brought along in size to. How can you bench press or dip impressive poundages without adding alot of size to your triceps? How can you deadlift the house and row big weights without having the arm flexors, not to mention the shoulders and the upper back to go with those lifts. How can you squat close to 2 times bodyweight, for plenty of reps without having alot of muscle all over your body.

    The greater the development and strenght of the main muscular structures of the body, the greater the size and strenght potential of the smaller areas of the body. Think it through. Suppose you can only squat and deadlift 200lbs, and your arms measure 13inches. Your unlikely to add any more than half an in inch or so on them no matter how much arm specialization you put in.

    However, put some real effort into the squat and deadlift, together with the bench press and a few other major basic movements. Build up the poundages by 50% or more, to the point where you can squat 300lbs for over 10 reps and pack on 30lbs of muscle . Then unless you have an unusual arm structure, you should be able to get your arms to around 17inches. If you want 18inch arms, plan on having to squat more than a few reps with around 2 times bodyweight.

    All of this arm development would have been achieved without a single concentration curl, without a single pushdown and without a single preacher curl. This lesson in priorities proves that the shortest distance between you and big arms is not a straight line to a curl bar

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    ^^^^^^ Well i think that pretty much sums it up. Nice read 007!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Nice read mate!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    I'm doing my first show in the spring and my arms are lagging behind the rest of me. For years I haven't made them a big priority. I've spent most of my time on major muscle groups and compund movements. The guy helping me get ready for the show obviously told me to bring my arms up. He has me training them every five days and everything else gets trained every 7-10 depending on where in falls in relation to my arm workout.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    To get big arms, get yourself on a basic program that focuses on the leg, hip and back structure without neglecting the arms themselves. As you improve your squatting ability, for reps and say 100lbs, your curling poundage should readily come up by 30lbs or so if you work hard enough on curls. This will add size to your biceps. While adding 100lbs to your squat, you should be able to add 50-70lbs to your bench press, for reps. This assumes you've put together a sound program and have worked hard on bench. That will add size to your triceps.

    If your desperate to add a couple of inches to your upper arms you'll need to add 30lbs or more over your body, unless your arms are way behind the rest of you. Dont start thinking about 17inch arms or even 16inch arms so long as your bodyweight is 130, 140, 150, 160 or even 170lbs. Few people can get big arms without having a big body. Your unlikely to be one of the exceptions.

    15 sets of arm flexor exercises and 15 sets of isolation tricep exercises with a few squats, deadlifts and bench presses thrown in as an afterthought will give you a great pump and attack the arms from all angles. However, it wont make your arms grow much, if at all, unless your already squating and benching big poundages, or are genetically gifted.

    As your main structures come along in size and strenght (hip, thigh and back structure, and the pressing structure), the directly involved smaller body parts are brought along in size to. How can you bench press or dip impressive poundages without adding alot of size to your triceps? How can you deadlift the house and row big weights without having the arm flexors, not to mention the shoulders and the upper back to go with those lifts. How can you squat close to 2 times bodyweight, for plenty of reps without having alot of muscle all over your body.

    The greater the development and strenght of the main muscular structures of the body, the greater the size and strenght potential of the smaller areas of the body. Think it through. Suppose you can only squat and deadlift 200lbs, and your arms measure 13inches. Your unlikely to add any more than half an in inch or so on them no matter how much arm specialization you put in.

    However, put some real effort into the squat and deadlift, together with the bench press and a few other major basic movements. Build up the poundages by 50% or more, to the point where you can squat 300lbs for over 10 reps and pack on 30lbs of muscle . Then unless you have an unusual arm structure, you should be able to get your arms to around 17inches. If you want 18inch arms, plan on having to squat more than a few reps with around 2 times bodyweight.

    All of this arm development would have been achieved without a single concentration curl, without a single pushdown and without a single preacher curl. This lesson in priorities proves that the shortest distance between you and big arms is not a straight line to a curl bar
    WOW suddenly im really excited no wonder my bis and tris arent growin...thank you a ridic amount for this. stoked lol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    How much deca were u using?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by VanTheMan View Post
    Nice read mate!
    x2 fersher

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Wow I can not read good enough to read Mad Ma....Excuse me 007's entire post but I will say this... I use to have a hard time getting my arms to grow and I changed my entire approach and I have gained like 1.5" or more on my arms in the past 10 weeks! I decided to stop worrying so much about all the movements and how much weight and worry now just about 2 things...

    1)only doing between 7-12 sets (depending on #2)
    2)making sure I have a good actually great pump!

    I have noticed that by thinking about and really concentrating on the muscle i am working, I am able to get a good pump.. I have always had a good pump but now it is so intense I would not even want to do anymore.. I basically know exactly when my arm workouts are done! If it is 7 sets..Great sometime it is 9 others 12 never more than 12! anything over that It is just a bad day! doing 10 more sets is not going to do anything.. try doing this and making sure you get a good pump see how it works for you!

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