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Thread: Chest workout

  1. #1
    gti99 is offline New Member
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    Chest workout

    So Im really confused on whats wrong with my chest size
    I'm 5'11 185lbs.
    I think I put up some really good numbers on the bench and incline for my weight, but the problem is my chest doesnt look big at all to me. I see guys who can barely put up 185lbs on the flat bench who have huge chests.
    So heres an outline of my chest routine.

    Flat bench
    255lbs 6 reps
    255lbs 4-6 reps
    255lbs 4-6 reps
    245lbs 4-6 reps
    245lbs 4-6 reps
    225lbs 6-8 reps
    315lbs Negative

    205lbs 4-6 reps
    205 4-6
    205 4-6
    195 6 reps
    195 6 reps

    Dumbell flat bench
    (85lbs each hand 6 reps) 3 sets

    3 sets
    10 reps
    weight varies

    so idk if im doing something wrong or what.
    I can get in a picture if you guys want.
    I just dont understand why my chest is getting stronger but not much bigger.
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    You're doing too many sets. I wouldn't go over 9-12 sets. Drop the dumbell flat bench and do at least 6 reps in the first two excercises. How much do you rest between the sets.

  3. #3
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    Get decline in your workout. It's far more effective than incline. Your incline press works far less muslce fibers than a decline press.

  4. #4
    GuybrushThreepwod's Avatar
    GuybrushThreepwod is offline Associate Member
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    Is your diet in check? How long have you been lifting?

  5. #5
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
    TRT,MAN is offline Member
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    yoiu could possibly be lifting to heavy too. try 8to10 reps heavy. you need to work the muscle more by recruting more fibers some times lifty really heavy can cause less recruitment. play with it.

  6. #6
    gti99 is offline New Member
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    I rest about 2 minutes between my sets.
    I think my diet is pretty good, getting at least 4000+ calories in a day
    And ive been off and on in high school when lifting, but i really got into it back in January of this year, i benching 135 then.
    Trtman, i guess i could give 225 a shot at 8-10 reps for a few weeks and see if that puts any size on me.
    my strength is there i think, but i just dont see it physically.

  7. #7
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    I think you need to drop down on the sets! you do not need 7 sets of Flat bench.. oh and then 3 more sets with DBells??

    Try this
    Alternate every other workout with flat or incline dumbells

    For instance my 1st exercise is either flat or incline barbell and I alternate weekly
    If I do FLat Barbell then I do incline with Dumbells
    the next week I start with Incline Barbell and then follow with flat dumbell..
    1st exercise 1 warm upand 3-4 working sets
    all the other exercises 3 sets..

    Make sure you are doing no more than 12-14 sets for chest total!
    Throw at least 2 sets of decline in there too!
    This is how I do mine and I could blow out a d cup bra!!

  8. #8
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would just do 2 pressing motions and be sure to switch up the order every week. After that do weighted dips. They are often overlooked but I think they are what gave my chest the most size. I've been doing them for years. Finish with a fly. 3-4 sets for each exercise depending on how you feel.

  9. #9
    gti99 is offline New Member
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    ninsecz, what do u recommend then with my weight, and reps? should i stick with the 255 and 245, or should i be aiming for a weight where i can handle 8-10 reps?

  10. #10
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    If you wanna try something different you could try this for some weeks:
    3 supersets 10 reps flys to preexhaust
    with flat bench 8 reps+further reps with rest pause+negative rep

    Rest between supersets: 3-5min

  11. #11
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    WTF? ur overtraining, that simple, how do u people actually come up with these ridiculous workouts

    heres a simple effective workout
    3 sets dumbell press, 6-8 rep range
    2 sets dumbell incline press, 6-8 rep range
    2 sets decline press
    1-2 set flat bench press (depending on how u feel)

    U DONT NEED MORE, remeber the more u do the more time u need to recover and the more food u need, BTW if ur on gear it helps, if ur not then u shouldnt train with alot of sets

  12. #12
    jbm's Avatar
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  13. #13
    quarry206's Avatar
    quarry206 is offline Senior Member
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    The world in my head.
    over training.. really bad

    like people said 9-12 sets per body part, once a week. and also you need to make sure your numbers and work tempo is in the range to cause hypertrophy...

    also post your diet. you seem to be a some what naturally small guy. try posting your diet and more help might be able to be given based off of that.

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