My right lat is larger than my left lat. I read in a m&f that after 21 the lats are the hardest muscle to grow. What would be the best way to even them out?
My right lat is larger than my left lat. I read in a m&f that after 21 the lats are the hardest muscle to grow. What would be the best way to even them out?
i would workout the struggling side with higher weights. Thats the only thing you can really do I think.
I'll give it a try. I've always heard that if u just keep lifting they'll eventually even out but it's been a couple years and no change.
make sure you're using good mind to muscle and feeling the contractions. emphasize the lagging side with harder contractions.
for wide grip lat pull downs kneel in between two high pulley cables. And do lat pull downs. This way your stronger side cant compensate for the weaker as it would with a bar.
Trust me I feel your pain although I think mine might be from atrophy from my herniated discs and nerve issues they cause but luckily you can only see it when i'm standing relaxed and straight. If I learn a trick to fix it I'll sure let you know
Try to do execercises with dumbells which train first a lat then the other one. Train first the left lat and do the same reps with the bigger and stronger one.
thanks for all the replies. I'm gonna give these things a try and see how it works out. It seems to be the lower part of my left lay that is noticeably smaller. Any recomended excercises that target that area?
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