Does anyone know any great core excersises that i can do at home as i would like to improve my core and overall strength.
Does anyone know any great core excersises that i can do at home as i would like to improve my core and overall strength.
I dont know the names to all but heres some good ones I do,
plus something called "wood chopper" where you hold a dumbbell or medicine ball and have you legs abit apart and you bring whatever your holding to one foot then twist and bring it up to your opposite side up in the air while keeping your arms straight, like your chopping wood..look it up if I didnt explain it good lol and I dont know the name to this either but hold like a 25 lb plate above your head or however much you can handle and lean to one side and to the other, I'm sure there are a ton more but I basically do these, hope it helps, there all pretty easy and feel good
thanks bro, much appreciated
At home? What kind of workout equipment do you have?
dumbells, wheight plates and pull up bar
you could do squats....lunges....weighted pullups....shoulder presses...dumbbell snatches...
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