My question concerns the amount of time it takes to get into cardio/muscular endurance fitness vs. the time required to make strength gains.
I apologize if this info is already prolific on this board. I searched, but maybe didn't use the right key words and couldn't find what I was looking for.
I'm just starting to learn more about periodizing workouts. I'm wanting to put together a game plan for training/competing in grappling events.
I'm under the impression that increasing cardio performance takes less time and goes away faster after training ceases than strength training results do.
I can often go through a strength phase and maintain results for months with minimum maintenance workouts. BUT I seem to lose cardio gains within a couple of weeks if I stop training.
My question is this. Is this typical of everyone, or am I approaching my cardio training wrong (or genetically predisposed to being weak in cardio)?
Should I plan to periodize my cardio with less time than I spend on my strength phase? I'm referring to a short 3 mile run in the morning 5 days a week, and an evening cardio session (submission wrestling) for an hour and a half in the evenings.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and respond.