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  1. #1
    bushido3374's Avatar
    bushido3374 is offline Member
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    Cardio- fast gain/loss compared to strength?

    My question concerns the amount of time it takes to get into cardio/muscular endurance fitness vs. the time required to make strength gains.

    I apologize if this info is already prolific on this board. I searched, but maybe didn't use the right key words and couldn't find what I was looking for.

    I'm just starting to learn more about periodizing workouts. I'm wanting to put together a game plan for training/competing in grappling events.

    I'm under the impression that increasing cardio performance takes less time and goes away faster after training ceases than strength training results do.

    I can often go through a strength phase and maintain results for months with minimum maintenance workouts. BUT I seem to lose cardio gains within a couple of weeks if I stop training.

    My question is this. Is this typical of everyone, or am I approaching my cardio training wrong (or genetically predisposed to being weak in cardio)?

    Should I plan to periodize my cardio with less time than I spend on my strength phase? I'm referring to a short 3 mile run in the morning 5 days a week, and an evening cardio session (submission wrestling) for an hour and a half in the evenings.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and respond.


  2. #2
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    I think that everybody respons differently to cardio and weights. However cardio needs less recovery, so you can train more often and have faster results. These go away quite fast though.
    Weight training is the opposite: long recovery makes the gains slower, but constant if stop lifting for a while. So after a week off, you may return too the gym stronger than before.

  3. #3
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Much will depend on your diet and whether you are in a calorie deficit or not.

  4. #4
    bushido3374's Avatar
    bushido3374 is offline Member
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    Thanks guys. This will give me something to think about.

    Klimax- This makes sense. I can do cardio two or three times a day, so it makes sense that I would have faster results. Maybe I should plan on making a pre competition cardio intensive cycle shorter than the off season strength cycle, and just hit it hard for fast results.

    FireGuy- I'm trying to learn how to put together a good preworkout meal. Trying to go for 50/50/50 with complex/simple/protein 45 min. before I train. Sound reasonable?

  5. #5
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by bushido3374 View Post
    Thanks guys. This will give me something to think about.

    Klimax- This makes sense. I can do cardio two or three times a day, so it makes sense that I would have faster results. Maybe I should plan on making a pre competition cardio intensive cycle shorter than the off season strength cycle, and just hit it hard for fast results.

    FireGuy- I'm trying to learn how to put together a good preworkout meal. Trying to go for 50/50/50 with complex/simple/protein 45 min. before I train. Sound reasonable?
    Not a big fan of simples but if I were going to utilize them it would be post workout not pre.

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