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Thread: what is acceptable in size difference between biceps

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    what is acceptable in size difference between biceps

    i just posted this, but i was told i was in the wrong forum, everyone is quick to criticize here, and slow to help anyone, thats why i hate forums, and they get a bad wrapp, talk about roid rage, just looking for some HELP. ok so i know this isnt an anobolic question, however i just wanted to know what is average for difference in biceps, what is acceptable? i am right handed thus giving me more mass in my right bicep, i curl almost everyday, my right bicep is about 14 inches, and my left is 13 inches, thats a difference of an inch, and you can really notice it, atleast i do and am subconcience about it, i just was woundering what other peoples difference between biceps were, and what is a good way to get them even?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    OP please don't start trouble in the forums - you asked how to fix the difference in your bicep size and I merely told you to repost in the Workout Question Forum. You did, so there is no reason to bash either myself nor other users on the forum for helping you to locate the best way to receive help... I didn't criticize you in the slightest.

    Now to answer your question. There is no 'average difference in biceps' nor is there an 'acceptable difference'.

    1. You should not be doing curls everyday - that is overworking. You should be working your arms once per week or by separating it (i.e. chest + tri's, shoulders + bi's, etc.) You will not grow if your breaking down your muscles everyday.
    2. As you were so keen to know - the difference between my biceps is close to .1''.

    What is your current arm work out?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    well i dont have resource to the gym at this time, so im very limeted, i have a ez curl bar, hammer curl bar, and i have some dumbells. usually what i do, is a set of ten reps between my sets of bench, so 4 sets of ten with about 60lbs which is sufficient for me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Okay. Again; you CANNOT do any work out everyday. You will not grow doing this. While your resources are limited, here is my advice.

    Use dumbbells so you can isolate your biceps more.
    Dumbbell Curl - 4sets - 10,10,8,8
    Dumbbell Hammer Curl - 4sets - 10,10,8,8
    E-Z Bar Curl - 3sets - 12,10,10,8

    I'd lighten up on the E-Z bar because it won't isolate your biceps as well, and I think that's where your problems are stemming from.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    If you are going to do 1 arm push ups as a feat of strength in front of friends , do the same on both sides .

    You measured arm in bicep area , doesn't mean 1 bicep is big than other . You are saying 1 arm is bigger than other .

    Doing same isolation movements to both side equally will even them out . Patience and time will lead to closer equality

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    x2^^ Good advice DWBO.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    thank you, sounds good, i will start using the dumbells more, and lightening up on the ez curl.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Upstate, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    Okay. Again; you CANNOT do any work out everyday. You will not grow doing this. While your resources are limited, here is my advice.

    Use dumbbells so you can isolate your biceps more.
    Dumbbell Curl - 4sets - 10,10,8,8
    Dumbbell Hammer Curl - 4sets - 10,10,8,8
    E-Z Bar Curl - 3sets - 12,10,10,8

    I'd lighten up on the E-Z bar because it won't isolate your biceps as well, and I think that's where your problems are stemming from.
    ^^^^ Go with that about every 5 days. Youll never recover if you dont allow your muscles to rest. Add a good tricep routine in there. You can do biceps on one day, and tris the next. You can do a lot of good exercises at home if you have a straight bar, and 100 lbs of weight.
    Dont forget to feed those arms too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Post some pic of your bi's side by side close ups. From the front and the back. As well as some triceps shots. There could be specific bicep heads or tricep heads that are lagging . And then we can address those specificly to try and bring your arms to a better proportion.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Send me a PM if you ever get up some pics.

    1in is a major differance.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    this is all i have, i can take more tomorrow

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    This doesn't show us your arms clearly - which is what would help us help you.

    Let me know tomorrow when you've posted it and I'll take a look. Trust what I said will be the best way for you to fix the size difference. Also remember - don't overwork.

  14. #14
    My left arm is 1/4" larger than my right. My entire upper body is asymetrical, though.

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