Soon I will be beginning my 3rd cycle (although it will be first cycle done correctly) and was doing some thinking about how different my workout now is compared to my last cycles. I was preparing for my first MMA fight on Sept. 17th but ended up finding a job after being unemployed for 6 months so I am no longer able to fight but have really been enjoying doing more full body strength/conditioning as opposed to your normal chest/tri or back/bi workouts.
I was curious to see if anyone had done different cycles and compared the workouts and how they liked them personally? I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of strength gains I will see this round and how my body reacts to the heavier lifting. On my last cycle of test e/dbol, I routinely had problems with what I called "tendonitis" in my elbows from such a drastic change in strength.
Let me know what kind of workout you prefer if you have tried both.