Ok im on the last 3 weeks of my cycle. Test/deca 400/300...deca i have one last pin to go. I just took 5 days off from the gym because of work. Now im on vacation. Im a chef and all this week i stocked up on great foods for the next 9 days. I have a good deit usally but work limits the times i can eat, now on vacation i can focus. I have an ex bodybuilder at work, i was telling him it is going to be hard to find a day during my 9 days off of not going to the gym. He said he wouldnt take a day off....he would be going 2 times a day for those 9 days....splits between weights and cardio and abs. I know this would be over training. But for 9 days i think i am just going to do it and work and eat my ass off. clean and lean. one body part a day and 30-40 carido. Morning/night shifts. just would like to hear some responses one this if anyone would.
One other question regarding the cycle, when should i start a full blown cutting. Should i start now with 3 weeks left? Should i wait 3-4 weeks after the last pin?
Thanks guys, hope this wasnt a stupid thread either.