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Thread: need a better idea how to pull this off

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    need a better idea how to pull this off

    Ok im on the last 3 weeks of my cycle. Test/deca 400/300...deca i have one last pin to go. I just took 5 days off from the gym because of work. Now im on vacation. Im a chef and all this week i stocked up on great foods for the next 9 days. I have a good deit usally but work limits the times i can eat, now on vacation i can focus. I have an ex bodybuilder at work, i was telling him it is going to be hard to find a day during my 9 days off of not going to the gym. He said he wouldnt take a day off....he would be going 2 times a day for those 9 days....splits between weights and cardio and abs. I know this would be over training. But for 9 days i think i am just going to do it and work and eat my ass off. clean and lean. one body part a day and 30-40 carido. Morning/night shifts. just would like to hear some responses one this if anyone would.

    One other question regarding the cycle, when should i start a full blown cutting. Should i start now with 3 weeks left? Should i wait 3-4 weeks after the last pin?

    Thanks guys, hope this wasnt a stupid thread either.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    I would just continue your normal training and cardio schedule on your vacation time.

    What have you been doing for that so far?

    As far as cutting, I'd hold off on that till you're well out of pct, so as not to sacrifice any gains from the cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Well as of right now on cycle my routine is....

    monday legs
    tuesday chest (am) Cardio & abs (pm)
    Wed. Back
    Thurs. Off
    Friday Shoulder, tris, traps
    Sat. Bis and calves (am) Cardio & abs (pm)
    Sunday off

    Cardio consists of 20 mins bike....heart rate 70-75%
    Stepper 10-15 mins depending.
    Hard for me to do 30-40 mins on one machine. So i try to split 40-45 mins on 2-3 different ones. I figured it would be like a curcuit training

    Still working my way into cardio. And i Throw one or two more days of abs with some routines during the week...

    Im 29yo
    Started cycle 164 12-14%bf
    Currently on cycle not sure but i would say 11-12 now%
    (stomach is flatter and more vascular and cut now)
    Even with the wieght gain and fat loss, i have gained easy 20# on bench and maybe 60-80 on squats. So definately gained the strength.

    When i cut not looking to lose alot of weight or anything just trying to lose the body fat.
    I think if i get a great cardio routine and stick to it...i can be single digit BF. I naturally have a fast metablism and have never been over 185 even when i wasnt trainging.
    Last edited by Sfla80; 09-07-2009 at 10:04 AM. Reason: missed something

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