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Thread: bowflex recent advertisement

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    bowflex recent advertisement

    So from what i have seen and tried (older bowflex version) i can say that this is a great all in one machine to have for home training.

    I do feel that its more for isolation then building muscles.

    The recent advertisement is what bothers me a bit about bowflex, the actors if i can say it like this say (I am not on a diet i am on a bowflex) a bit like ok now i train 3 times a week for only 20 minutes on my bowflex and i dont need to be on a diet. (Which is the worst thing even) because anyone who trains knows that diet is 80%.

    I am from the old school of bodybuilding free weights better then machines, squats, deadlifts and the compound exercises.

    Since i got injured in 2001 with back pain i cannot lift heavy anymore, i just started 3 weeks ago doing the vince gironda 8 X 8 type training where you dont lift heavy but you take only 15-30 second break between sets, i did not change my diet, water intake, supplements and i gained 5 pounds in 3 weeks, don't think its fat either because my waist is the same size.

    So my guess is that it might be possible to build some muscles without overloading them with heavy weights.

    Also i have seen some pertty amazing results from people doing ciruit training a la bowflex, losing a lot of weight but not building the type of physique the actors on tv have.

    But still its possible to lose weight doing circuit training but then again you still have to get your diet right.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Not sure what the Q is. But some of those actors are hardcore gym rats. And I'm sure they DO NOT use the bowflex. I'm sure they received 1 for doing the advertisements . And I'm sure they gave it away as a gift to a family member.. JMHO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Go ahead, and get a bowflex body. lol.

  4. #4
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    in the freaking cold
    get one just buy it off craigs list they are great un used and a lot cheaper

  5. #5
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Not sure what the Q is. But some of those actors are hardcore gym rats. And I'm sure they DO NOT use the bowflex. I'm sure they received 1 for doing the advertisements . And I'm sure they gave it away as a gift to a family member.. JMHO
    Yeah was not clear sorry, just that diet is so important and they say in the advsertisement that they are no on diet plan they are on bowflex.

    That really sucks because they got some very good product going for them but now they are trying to fool people in beleiving they can get bodies like that without dieting, training only 3 times per week for 20 minutes on the bowflex.

  6. #6
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    dont ask for a source thx
    i have a bowflex, the ultimate 2, it is a great machine for a home gym. i also have freeweights and a seperate bench. i personaly use the bowflex for exercises like pulldowns, cable rows and an assortment of other exercises. usually after i hit my muscles with heavy compound movments with the freeweights. i feel after many years of using it that it is a great machine and can be used for building muscle....i offers variable amounts of resistance and if used correctly with proper form it is for the peeps on tv thay are just actors or whatever paid to say what that say. but i dont think bowflex is another trendy scam thay have been around for many years. i understand to most that thes machines arnt hardcore but if used right results will 2 cents

  7. #7
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Yeah was not clear sorry, just that diet is so important and they say in the advsertisement that they are no on diet plan they are on bowflex.

    That really sucks because they got some very good product going for them but now they are trying to fool people in beleiving they can get bodies like that without dieting, training only 3 times per week for 20 minutes on the bowflex.
    bro if you buy one thay send you a manual that explains that diet is a key factor in getting results. i think thare ads are more truthfull then like any hoky poky machine that like body by jake or any of those fools pimp....

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    So from what i have seen and tried (older bowflex version) i can say that this is a great all in one machine to have for home training.

    I do feel that its more for isolation then building muscles.

    The recent advertisement is what bothers me a bit about bowflex, the actors if i can say it like this say (I am not on a diet i am on a bowflex) a bit like ok now i train 3 times a week for only 20 minutes on my bowflex and i dont need to be on a diet. (Which is the worst thing even) because anyone who trains knows that diet is 80%.

    I am from the old school of bodybuilding free weights better then machines, squats, deadlifts and the compound exercises.

    Since i got injured in 2001 with back pain i cannot lift heavy anymore, i just started 3 weeks ago doing the vince gironda 8 X 8 type training where you dont lift heavy but you take only 15-30 second break between sets, i did not change my diet, water intake, supplements and i gained 5 pounds in 3 weeks, don't think its fat either because my waist is the same size.

    So my guess is that it might be possible to build some muscles without overloading them with heavy weights.

    Also i have seen some pertty amazing results from people doing ciruit training a la bowflex, losing a lot of weight but not building the type of physique the actors on tv have.

    But still its possible to lose weight doing circuit training but then again you still have to get your diet right.
    It's funny to see Vince Gironda's name mentioned . You might as well say rotary dial phone . Glad to see old school is not forgotten school .

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    It's funny to see Vince Gironda's name mentioned . You might as well say rotary dial phone . Glad to see old school is not forgotten school .
    I dont consider Vince Gironda old school, because this guy was ahead of is time, i am on the 8 X 8 routine, perfect for me due to injury and loving it.

    Has for bowflex ghettoboyd i have a multistation at home which is very good and use it same has you do, for pulldowns and low pulley rows, leg extension, i also have free weights, an adjustable bench where i can adjust the handles and can actually squat from them which is good and a leg hack squat machine.

    Even if i use Vince Gironda 8 X 8 i still squat and leg press, i dont use that much weight, but on that routine you dont have to has long has you take short breaks 15-20 seconds per set.

    You are right about the eating plan, but they still should mention it in the commercial.

    Might try to find a bowflex dvd just to see whats in it.

  10. #10
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    I dont consider Vince Gironda old school, because this guy was ahead of is time, i am on the 8 X 8 routine, perfect for me due to injury and loving it.

    Has for bowflex ghettoboyd i have a multistation at home which is very good and use it same has you do, for pulldowns and low pulley rows, leg extension, i also have free weights, an adjustable bench where i can adjust the handles and can actually squat from them which is good and a leg hack squat machine.

    Even if i use Vince Gironda 8 X 8 i still squat and leg press, i dont use that much weight, but on that routine you dont have to has long has you take short breaks 15-20 seconds per set.

    You are right about the eating plan, but they still should mention it in the commercial.

    Might try to find a bowflex dvd just to see whats in it.
    the diet info is quite simple and to the point in the bowflex is where its at for diet info imho...i wasnt so much defending the commercial as much as i was the product cus thay are quality machines....the one i currently have is my second was bought mostly for my wife but ill have to admit it is great to add all sorts of variety of exercises with gym quality feel at home....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    the diet info is quite simple and to the point in the bowflex is where its at for diet info imho...i wasnt so much defending the commercial as much as i was the product cus thay are quality machines....the one i currently have is my second was bought mostly for my wife but ill have to admit it is great to add all sorts of variety of exercises with gym quality feel at home....
    Buying stuff for my wife LOL yeah dont get me started here, stairmaster, elliptical trainer, stationnary bike, tae bo tapes and dvds, and the latest latine dance dvd.

    Funny because we buy stuff but we are the ones ending using it, except that latine dance dvd the rest was pertty cool LOL

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Seriously I just can`t get serious with a bowflex, just the commercials alone turn me off of it. Its such a bs gimick, a bench, set of dumbells and cable machine are vastly superior to the bowflex.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Seriously I just can`t get serious with a bowflex, just the commercials alone turn me off of it. Its such a bs gimick, a bench, set of dumbells and cable machine are vastly superior to the bowflex.
    100% agree,

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Seriously I just can`t get serious with a bowflex, just the commercials alone turn me off of it. Its such a bs gimick, a bench, set of dumbells and cable machine are vastly superior to the bowflex.

    Couldn't agree any more. Tho' bowflex still is a decent tool to use rather than not having free weights.

    I say something is always superior to nothing!

  15. #15
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    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Couldn't agree any more. Tho' bowflex still is a decent tool to use rather than not having free weights.

    I say something is always superior to nothing!
    to each there own peeps,like i said int aint all hardcore but i use it as a cable aparatus and for abs and its a great addition to my freeweights.....i mostly use it for finnishing moves at the end of a works for i said though its really the wifes so she can exercise and hang with me while i work out and not get in the way.......for the record i prefer freeweights cus thers more feedback so to speek seeing all the weight as opposed to the bow thingys...but i dont see it as a scam....some peeps just want to get fit not be mr. olympia......for them its just fine...

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