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Thread: High reps, lots of sets at the end of work out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    High reps, lots of sets at the end of work out

    I was watching a BBer at my gym today. He finished of his chest routine with 9 sets of 15 reps of flies. 30 second max rest between sets. I asked him about this and he said it brings a sh!t load of blood into the muscles along with nutrients. This then stretches the fascia (no idea if thats the right word) which allows the muscle to get bigger.

    My questions are

    Should I include something like this into my work outs? I am no where near a BBer (yet).

    Can this be used with every muscle group.?

    Does anyone else do this? Weekly, monthly, from time to time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    If you have good genetics and are taking alot of gear you can grow with almost all.
    If you train hard the blood is pumped to your muscles also with few sets.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bcbrett View Post
    I was watching a BBer at my gym today. He finished of his chest routine with 9 sets of 15 reps of flies. 30 second max rest between sets. I asked him about this and he said it brings a sh!t load of blood into the muscles along with nutrients. This then stretches the fascia (no idea if thats the right word) which allows the muscle to get bigger.

    My questions are

    Should I include something like this into my work outs? I am no where near a BBer (yet).

    Can this be used with every muscle group.?

    Does anyone else do this? Weekly, monthly, from time to time?
    Actually I have seen Cutler and some other pro recommending this lately (but 7 sets.. a program called muscle fascia stretching 7, or something..

    Where you take isolation excersizes on the last and do 7 sets, in the manner you explained!

    Quote Originally Posted by Klimax View Post
    If you have good genetics and are taking alot of gear you can grow with almost all.
    If you train hard the blood is pumped to your muscles also with few sets.
    True that.

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