Hey. I'm hoping one of the knowledgable guys on here can take a look at my workout routine and tell me if I'm going wrong anywhere.
24 years old.
180 pounds.
Around 12% body fat.
Goals are to cut up and build lean muscle. Just out of the army and all my previous training has been boxing training whilst in there. I have a large frame and good muscle already. I don't want to get much bigger than I already am. Im fairly lean already and want to get pure "ripped" as some people would say. I think my diet is spot on, but I'll post that in the diet section soon.
Monday - CHEST
Incline Bench Press. 4 sets. 8-10 reps.
Flat Bench Press. 4 sets. 8-10 reps.
DB Flys. 4 sets. 8-10 reps.
Tuesday - BACK
Close Grip V-Bar Pulldown. 4 sets. 8-10 reps.
1 Arm DB Rows. 4 sets. 8-10 reps.
Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown (Close Grip). 4 sets. 8-10 reps.
Wednesday - LEGS
Leg Press. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Squats. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Hamstring Curls. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Leg Extensions. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Thursday - SHOULDERS
Behind the Neck Military Press. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Side Lateral Raises. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Upright Rows. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Friday - ARMS
Close Grip Bench Press. 3 sets. 8-10 reps. (I superset this with tricep dips)
Pulldowns. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Tri Extensions. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Standing Bar Curls. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
Hammer Curls. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
1 Arm DB Preacher Curls. 3 sets. 8-10 reps.
I do 30 minutes cardio after every days workout and Abs twice a week.
I would like to ask inparticular about DB flys... I was advised by a really ripped bodybuilder in the gym to change from DB flys to te fly machine?? I cant remember his reasoning behind it but what do you guys think??