Ok i hope this is the right forum to post this. But i was youtubeing core exercises videos today. And found this guy with a series of videos for that. His name is "craig valentine" and has a website but wont post it here.
Just youtube, fat burning workout and you will see.
This guy is where i found the "300" workout from.
But my question is, i am under the impression that for fat loss...you would do low intensity cardio and keep heart rate around 65%.
Hes telling us that bar none...doing speed intervals on treadmill is the best thing to do for fat loss.
He is right but would that work when you are looking to burn fat with minimal muscle loss?
whats everyones thoughts on this?? And if anyone knows any good videos on great core workouts i would appreciate a link or something. Im so tired with my current routine.
Thanks guys/gals