09-24-2009, 08:21 AM #1
My Training Split. Opinions Welcomed
I would for you to take a look at my training routine and elaborate on it. Any critizism will be appreciated. Thanks
Day 1 Chest & Abs
Day 2 Quads & Calves + (25min low intensity cardio)
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Back & Hamstrings +(25min low intensity cardio)
Day 5 Shoulders, Traps & Abs
Day 6 Biceps & Triceps + (25min low intensity cardio)
Day 7 Rest
Day 1
Bench Press 4 sets
Dumbell Incilne Press 4 sets
Isolateral Decline Press 4 sets
Flye 4 sets
Crunch Machine 3 sets
Abench 3 sets
Leg raise 3 sets
the next week I switch it up for the chest and do these
Dumbell Bench Press 4 sets
Incline Barbel Press 4 sets
Decline Barbel Press 4 sets
Cable Crossovers 4 sets
I always go heavy in the first 2 sets with a rep range of 4-6, then lower the weight for the last 2 sets with a rep range of 8-12
Day 2
Squats 4 sets
Leg Press 4 sets
Leg Extension 4 sets
Calves Raises 4 sets
every once a while I throw some lunges in there with front squats and single leg extensions to switch it up if I'm bored
Day 4
Pull ups 4 sets
Bent Over Barbel Row 4 sets
Low Cable Row 4 sets
Deadlifts 4 sets
Leg Curls 4 sets
the following week I would switch it up and do lat pulldowns, dumbell rows and iso low row
Day 5
Military Press 4 sets
Lateral Raise 4 sets
Rear Cable Raise 4 sets
Dumbell Shrugs 4 sets
Sit Ups 3 sets
Cable Crunches 3 sets
Reverse Crunch 3 sets
the next week I'll do them with dumbells
Day 6
3 exercises 4 sets for biceps
3 exercises 4 sets for triceps
I like to switch it up constantly with my arms. There's only 2 or 3 exercises that I will ways perform.
Thanks for taking the time to help me
09-27-2009, 12:16 PM #2
Damn no coments from anyone? Come on guys
Split isnt bad but I would not do hams after back.
Training volume is too high! Stay around 8-12 sets as opposed to 16.
09-27-2009, 06:17 PM #4
what are your reps?
09-28-2009, 08:48 AM #6
09-28-2009, 08:49 AM #7
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