170 lbs
23 years old
11% bf
Diet is 80% in check
Hey everyone,
I did one 12 week cycle of sus 1 year ago. I have kept all but 4 pounds of my gains. Since then I have not gained any weight only maintained.
I want to go back on but have decided to work out hard for another 2 years.
How ever I am starting to lose motivation due to the fact that I had planned on doing another cycle but now am not and have not gained any weight naturally.
And yes I know I was young when I did that cycle- That is now out of the way. It was a personal choice.
My current work out is:
Monday - Chest
Flat Bench 3 sets x 8 reps
Incline Bench 3x8
Chest Flies 3x8
Abs after
Tuesday- Back
pull ups 3 sets max out each one
Cable row 3x8
lat pulldowns 3x8
T - Bar 3x8
dead lifts 3x 8 - 6 - 4
cardio 30 min
Wednesday- Legs
Squats 3x8
Leg press 3x8
leg extensions 3x8
ham string curls 3x10
calf raises 3 x max out
Thursday- Shoulders
Military press- 3x8
lateral raises- 3x8
forward raises - 3x8
rear lateral raises- 3x8
Shurgs 3x max out (no more the 8 reps)
cardio 30 min
Friday - Arms
Straight bar bicep curls- 3x8
Skull crushers - 3x8
single arm curls- 3x8
tricep pushdowns- 3x8
hammer curls- 3x8
last excercise is any tricep excercise
Sat/Sun OFF