what exactly does supersetting mean?
what exactly does supersetting mean?
Supersetting is combining two exercises with no rest in between.
When you combine 3 or more - those are called Giant Sets.
Drop sets are with no rest but same excercise but you progressivly lower the resistance. For example, Barbell Curls: 100lbs for 8 reps, 90lbs for 8 reps, 80lbs for 8 reps, 70lbs for 6 reps...
Forced Reps are when you use a spotter to help through sticky points and to get use to a heavier resistance.
Negatives are when push through the positive range and let the negative drop reeeaalll slow. Best done with a spotter to help push you through the positive when trying at 90 percent your one rep max or higher.
oooo ok, thanx alot for ur post bro.
Ok, monday i do shoulders and arms, and tuesday is back and chest, how would i super set any of these sets?
Here's an example for back and chest:
Benchpress then go straight to lat pulldowns. Rest a few seconds and repeat for 3-4 sets.
Then do the same with:
Incline press - Seated cable rows
Flyes - Bent over Dumbbell rows
You can really include any excercise u want. The basic idea of supersetting is no rest inbetween the 2 consecutive exercises.
There is a good article about supersetting in the recent muscle and fitness mag with Arnold on the cover. (His back and chest superset workout)
Sorry dude, the article is in Flex, not Muscle and Fitness. I saw from one of your other posts that you've already read it.
Some people superset based on the pull/push principle. You push for your chest excercises and pull for your back exercises.
Yeh i have it, just havnt read the articles too much, thanx alot for ur post
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