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Thread: AM workout vs PM workout, or both?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    AM workout vs PM workout, or both?

    I was wonderig if i could get some feedback as to what people's thoughts are to working out in the early morning (before work or school) or working out in the evening (after work or school) ?

    My current schedule allows me to work in the early morning or evening (9 - 6 job) Another question regarding this is if one is trying to lose weight and keep on the muscle mass that they've accuired over the years what would you guys recommend? (empty stomach, full stomach, pre/post workout supps ect)

    I've read and talked to ameature bb's in person and they tell me that they like to workout in the early morning if it consists of cardio/low intensity cardio and just stick to the heavy lifting weights at night.. would one consider this overtraining?? I have tried this in the past, but i find it hard to rest at night after taking a preworkout supp (no xplod, vapor, superpumo, ect)

    Can people tell me their experiences and or workout routine that they have benefited the most out of?

    I've been lifting for quiet some time and I've been used to working out in the evenings but I would like to have some feed back from the experienced users on this board.

    My stats are:

    ~14% bf
    Age 24

    I've been lifting for a good 3 - 4 years straight intensively.

    I get all my workouts and great advice from the different post's on this website so I thought i'd ask her out of curiosity. Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    I switched to AM a few months ago and the difference was unreal. The workouts are 10x better and it puts me in a great mood for the rest of the day. I've never done 2x/day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Training Hardcore Style
    Your best advice that I can give you is to pick one that is realistic for you and your schedule. Nothing will replace consistency. What I mean is that we tell you to split it and it is too much for you to do religiously, then it will be a big failure. I would pick something that is real and a time that you can depend on all the time. Make it a part of your life. From there experiment, but keep your baseline going always.

    With that being said... I seperate cardio and weights at times and most of the time I have to combine them and I have to do it in the a.m. because that is what is the most realistic. Going twice like you had listed is not overtraining if you are ready for it.

    I will still stand true to saying pick a realistic goal. No use in telling you some game plan that sounds perfect on paper and doesn't equate to reality in your life.... that would be the worse plan, yet it sounds the best.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    Studys have shown that people see higher gains in lbm and a larger decrease in bf when working out in the pm rather than the am.

    That being said you have to do what works for your schedule. Your better off getting a good strong workout in the am than getting a pm workout that gets cut short.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    your best advice that i can give you is to pick one that is realistic for you and your schedule. Nothing will replace consistency. what i mean is that we tell you to split it and it is too much for you to do religiously, then it will be a big failure. I would pick something that is real and a time that you can depend on all the time. Make it a part of your life. From there experiment, but keep your baseline going always.

    With that being said... I seperate cardio and weights at times and most of the time i have to combine them and i have to do it in the a.m. Because that is what is the most realistic. Going twice like you had listed is not overtraining if you are ready for it.

    I will still stand true to saying pick a realistic goal. No use in telling you some game plan that sounds perfect on paper and doesn't equate to reality in your life.... That would be the worse plan, yet it sounds the best.

    Good luck

  6. #6
    I can't say I've weight lifted in the morning but I am highly considering it. What I can tell you is I ride a bike to work and this wakes me up and puts me in a great mood the rest of the day. I can only imagine weight lifting in the morning will make you feel the EXACT same way and will probably be a really GOOD workout.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    When I did morning workouts for an entire summer (I had ur exact schedule) I noticed dramatic results. My exact schedule was this for an entire summer...

    300 AM wake up
    430 AM finish breakfast
    530 AM workout
    630 AM drink shake
    800 AM eat PPWO meal
    1130 AM eat lunch
    230 PM eat lunch
    530 PM eat dinner
    700 PM go to sleep

    My workouts had much more energy in the morning, and I felt good all day long, because I knew how hard I worked out, and I could now feed my muscles all day long. I have seen studies that show testosterone levels are also their highest in the morning, and you just spent all night producing HGH, so morning seems like the best time to workout. Plus, cortisol levels are at their lowest in the morning I believe.
    Last edited by kaptainkeezy04; 10-17-2009 at 01:16 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04 View Post
    When I did morning workouts for an entire summer (I had ur exact schedule) I noticed dramatic results. My exact schedule was this for an entire summer...

    300 AM wake up
    430 AM finish breakfast
    530 AM workout
    630 AM drink shake
    800 AM eat PPWO meal
    1130 AM eat lunch
    230 PM eat lunch
    530 PM eat dinner
    700 PM go to sleep

    My workouts had much more energy in the morning, and I felt good all day long, because I knew how hard I worked out, and I could now feed my muscles all day long. I have seen studies that show testosterone levels are also their highest in the morning, and you just spent all night producing HGH, so morning seems like the best time to workout. Plus, cortisol levels are at their lowest in the morning I believe.
    bro where were you working at with that kind of schedule???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04 View Post
    When I did morning workouts for an entire summer (I had ur exact schedule) I noticed dramatic results. My exact schedule was this for an entire summer...

    300 AM wake up
    why would you wake up so early and not eat anything for an hour and a half?
    430 AM finish breakfast
    530 AM workout
    1 hour workout? did this consist of high intensity? any cardio?
    630 AM drink shake
    800 AM eat PPWO meal
    1130 AM eat lunch
    are you eating whole meals or small/medium snacks throughout the day?
    230 PM eat lunch
    530 PM eat dinner
    700 PM go to sleep
    any supps before bed? (casein protein, small meal ect)

    My workouts had much more energy in the morning, and I felt good all day long, because I knew how hard I worked out, and I could now feed my muscles all day long. I have seen studies that show testosterone levels are also their highest in the morning, and you just spent all night producing HGH, so morning seems like the best time to workout. Plus, cortisol levels are at their lowest in the morning I believe.

    my responses/question are in bold

  10. #10
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperLift View Post
    bro where were you working at with that kind of schedule???
    Reel FX production company in Dallas. We work on movies like open season, finding nemo, etc.

  11. #11
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BigWiLL35 View Post
    my responses/question are in bold
    it takes me an hour and a half to finish breakfast. when i wrote finish breakfast i didnt mean i started it then. 1 hour with weights. i would get in the gym. stretch, and do 5 mins of light cardio and then spend about 45 - 60 mins with weights. These were full whole meals. The only thing i took before bed was melatonin and zma.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Living easy in Asia
    I train early,,, when on holidays i get up at 04:30 to be at the gym by 05:15 and just love it, no crowd cooler temp and a great workout, then i eat and rest a bit more before starting the day. Normal days are still AM workouts, again less people, cooler and more energy

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Sunny, Florida
    I don't think one is necessarily better than the other. I think it is all about schedule. For those of us who have a full workload(work and school) and have to wake up at 7am as it is, an AM workout is not in the cards. Likewise, if you work at night, then an AM workout is better. And as to whether you feel better in the AM or PM, this is a matter of opinion. Many people on this thread have said they feel much better in the AM, whereas I like going home from the gym and knowing that my day is over and I can take it easy, as opposed to working out in the morning and knowing that I still have the whole long day in front of me. Also, the night atmosphere is more relaxing for me and I feel better going into the gym with the cool night air. Just my opinion though. There is no right answer to when you should work out.

  14. #14
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    Aug 2009
    My body don't even really wake up until around 3-4pm, I have tried working out in the morning and just could not feel it.

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