I have school at 6 am so Im up at 430, eat some oatmeal and a shake. I'm at the gym at 930am and start my cardio. Is this enough time for this cardio to be considered on an empty stomache?
I have school at 6 am so Im up at 430, eat some oatmeal and a shake. I'm at the gym at 930am and start my cardio. Is this enough time for this cardio to be considered on an empty stomache?
i personally don't think so. but i could be wrong.
why not just weight train and do cardio PWO?
yes, I am already doing cardio pwo for 30min walking at incline. But I am around 20% bf and I think I should add a couple of days of extra cardio. My diet is good guys so I don't want to have to type it all out.
what's happend is I started about 6 weeks ago with my diet and hard lifting, but I have not dropped a single pound! What I think has happend is I've gained some mass, my arms have gone from 16.75" to 18" (were I used to be at)
Do u think adding extra cardio will help? I've lowered my carbs some from 150g to around 115g a day to see if that helps. I haven't noticed any bf change in 6 weeks and i want to see what i can do to help lower it. thanks
IMHO if you haven't lost any fat then perhaps your diet is not as clean as you think. remember 90% of fat loss is diet and 10% cardio. when i started my diet i noticed a huge drop the first week, most of that was water weight but 5 months later i lost total of 30 pounds of fat, maybe more because I gained muscles as well. if you haven't yet, it will be helpful if you can post your diet.
ok, here is my diet that i have been on for the past 6 weeks
i don't have the macros right now...
meal 1 - 6 egg whites with 4oz ground turkey
cup oatmeal
meal 2 - 6oz chicken breast
1 cup green beans
meal 3 - handful almonds
meal 4 - 6oz salmon
50g carbs from wheat pasta
meal 5 - pwo shake 50g whey protein
25g-50g dextrose
meal 6 - 6oz chicken breast
1 cup green beans
meal 7 - shake with casein protein
multi vit and efa pill in moring and night
I cut out carbs from meal 6 to see if it makes a difference. any advice?
Do u measure ur heart rate.... Make sure ur heart rate is between 65 and 75% of ur max and then most of the calories u use in cardio will come from fat... I personally don't believe in walking for cardio ... But that's just me
I don't think u are counting ur macros right... Are u doing ur shake with milk or water?
i always use water for my shakes
and i keep my heart rate around 130-145bpm
5-9 215lbs about 20bf
Try doing another half an hour day and is the dextrose only from the banana or does the shake has some ?( just my uneducated question ) I would do that shake with just milk and the banana(again uneducated advise)
How intense are u lifting...?
I'm lifting as hard as intense as I can. The dextrose is added to my shake and the banana I eat after my shake to finish off my carb intake for the day. Maybe I'm just expecting too much too fast? Like I mentioned, it's only been 6 weeks and I noticed small gains in muscle mass. I just started eliminating carbs from my 6th meal so lets see if that helps out.
Could it be that I just need more time to see results? You guys think that extra morning cardio 3x week will help out?
Thanks for all ur help guys.
ok guys, i think i figured out why i haven't seen results yet in bf. My carb intake in meal #1 is 65g. Pre workout is actually around 80-90g and not 50g. and my post workout shake and banana is 50-60g. total: 200g of carbs a day. I was doing around 250g before I eliminated the carbs in meal #6.
So... is 200g too much for a cutting diet???
215lbs 5-9 21years bf 20%
How much should I lower my carbs by? maybe 150g a day? and what meal should I cut back on carbs? meal 1 = 65g meal 4= 85g or pwo shake = 50g
Last edited by calichico; 10-15-2009 at 04:54 PM.
I think I have read of a member phate... He does like 65
I eat like 150 g
1 tbsp of olive oil or two And the fat from eggs about 15 more grams and the salmon I'm not exactly sure but it works for me... I train on an empty stomach though...
But U can maybe cut.a little on the nuts and maybe only 3/4 of a cup of oats...( again this I haven't tried or read just mylogic) but if u can throw in another cardio in the morning before school that would be better
Last edited by eatrainrest; 12-21-2024 at 08:12 AM.
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