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Thread: Type of workout...

  1. #1

    Type of workout...

    Ok so.... i wanna tone up, reduce body fat and add definition to. I dont wanna be a body builder just wanna turn the life around. i no diet is the key part to my success. i was just wondering could you help with what type of w/o i should use! Like how many sets for major muscles and minor muscles and how many reps should be completed! thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    a description of what your looking to achieve and of where you are at now would help point us in the right direction. many people respond differently to varied sets and reps. Do you work out now? if so what are you doin? what is your diet like? how old are you? what do you weigh, height, body fat? ect.ect. the more we know the better we can answer.

    Like you said, diet will play a huge role in achieving your goals. People all to often underestimate its importance. get that on track and you will be well on your way to where you want to be when you start working out.

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