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So guys, I just started uni again and now I can workout 3 days a week. I've never done a 3-day split before so I'm clueless. Check out what I'm doing right now: (i copied most of it off other workout plans and did a little tweaking)
Day 1: Chest, triceps, delts
2 sets of BP
2 sets of close-grip BPI would do this after chest as it is more of a tricep movement
2 sets of incline BP
2 sets of incline dumbbell flyes
2 sets of tricep extensionsOverhead DB?
2 sets of front dumbbell raises
2 sets of side dumbbell raises
Day 3: Biceps, back, traps
2 sets of pullups (till failure)
2 sets of Lat pulldowns
2 sets of bentover rows3 pulldown movements and only one rowing movement, how about 2 each.
2 sets of chinups
2 sets of hammer curlsIf you are only going to do one bicep movement how about straight bar or DB curls.
2 sets of barbell shrugs
Day 5: Legs
4 sets of squats
2 sets of deadliftsUnless these are of the stiff legged variety they belong on back day.
2 sets of leg press
2 sets of leg extensions
2 sets of leg curls
Is my workout lolsworthy?