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Thread: critique my idonthavetimeonmyhands workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Lightbulb critique my idonthavetimeonmyhands workout

    So guys, I just started uni again and now I can workout 3 days a week. I've never done a 3-day split before so I'm clueless. Check out what I'm doing right now: (i copied most of it off other workout plans and did a little tweaking)

    Day 1: Chest, triceps, delts

    2 sets of BP
    2 sets of close-grip BP
    2 sets of incline BP
    2 sets of incline dumbbell flyes
    2 sets of tricep extensions
    2 sets of front dumbbell raises
    2 sets of side dumbbell raises

    Day 3: Biceps, back, traps

    2 sets of pullups (till failure)
    2 sets of Lat pulldowns
    2 sets of bentover rows
    2 sets of chinups
    2 sets of hammer curls
    2 sets of barbell shrugs

    Day 5: Legs

    4 sets of squats
    2 sets of deadlifts
    2 sets of leg press
    2 sets of leg extensions
    2 sets of leg curls

    Is my workout lolsworthy?

  2. #2
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undercover View Post
    So guys, I just started uni again and now I can workout 3 days a week. I've never done a 3-day split before so I'm clueless. Check out what I'm doing right now: (i copied most of it off other workout plans and did a little tweaking)

    Day 1: Chest, triceps, delts

    2 sets of BP
    2 sets of close-grip BPI would do this after chest as it is more of a tricep movement
    2 sets of incline BP
    2 sets of incline dumbbell flyes
    2 sets of tricep extensionsOverhead DB?
    2 sets of front dumbbell raises
    2 sets of side dumbbell raises

    Day 3: Biceps, back, traps

    2 sets of pullups (till failure)
    2 sets of Lat pulldowns
    2 sets of bentover rows3 pulldown movements and only one rowing movement, how about 2 each.
    2 sets of chinups
    2 sets of hammer curlsIf you are only going to do one bicep movement how about straight bar or DB curls.
    2 sets of barbell shrugs

    Day 5: Legs

    4 sets of squats
    2 sets of deadliftsUnless these are of the stiff legged variety they belong on back day.
    2 sets of leg press
    2 sets of leg extensions
    2 sets of leg curls

    Is my workout lolsworthy?
    If your intensity level is good you can still make good gains on a schedule like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The deadlifts are stiff legged yeah. As for the biceps, I forgot to add the 2 sets of incline DB curls I do. I found that my biceps are burning like crazy after those, as opposed to regular DB curls..
    what do you think?

    Thanks for your input!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    I was like you in the past(not too much time) and another member suggested the following

    Try a full body routine. It might be able to fit it in your schedule more. Plus it is something different to try and help you stay motivated possibly.

    This is great for building and maintaining strength while also reducing body fat. This type of workout contains 6 main exercises per session – two for the legs and four exercises working the major multi-joint movement planes of the upper body. The key to this type of workout is that the sequences of exercises are switched from workout to workout even though the exercises remain the same. This means you’ll be stronger on certain lifts on the day when they are first in the sequence and weaker on the days when they are toward the end of the sequence.

    The key to these workouts is to use a weight that challenges you for the prescribed number of reps. You are not using enough weight if you complete the prescribed number of reps and could still do 3 or 4 more. Increase the weight slightly each week to maintain progression. The sets are reduced in this type of workout to avoid over-training due to completing the same exercises in each workout. Rest 2-3 minutes between work sets in these workouts. Alternate Workout A and B, training 3 times per week; then complete 20 minutes of high intensity sprints or other interval training one other day per week for a total of four workouts per week (e.g. Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = A/B/A/C). Following this example, the following week would look like this: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = B/A/B/C.

    Workout A
    warm-up (5-7 minutes):

    Main exercises:
    1. Barbell overhead squats – warm up sets, then 2 x 6
    2. Incline barbell presses – warm up sets, then 2 x 6
    3. Weighted pull-ups - warm up sets, then 2 x 6
    4. Romanian deadlifts – warm up sets, then 2 x 6
    5. Weighted dips – warm up sets, then 2 x 8
    6. Barbell bent over rows – warm up sets, then 2 x 8

    Ab training
    6-8 minute high intensity interval training finish

    Workout B
    warm-up (5-7 minutes)

    Main exercises:
    1. Romanian deadlifts – warm up sets, then 2 x 6
    2. Barbell bent over rows – warm up sets, then 2 x 8
    3. Weighted dips – warm up sets, then 2 x 8
    4. Barbell overhead squats – warm up sets, then 2 x 6
    5. Weighted pull-ups - warm up sets, then 2 x 6
    6. Incline barbell presses – warm up sets, then 2 x 6

    6-8 minute high intensity interval training finish

    Workout C

    20-25 minutes of high intensity interval training
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