hello all, i am a newbie so alittle about me first: 31yrs old 210pds 5'10 bf% to much and want it gone: i have a low test (which i inject myself for) and pulmonary fibrosis. because of my lung disease i take alot of predisone, daily actually. as of yesterday ive started 1cc every week of test-cyp....doc only has me prescribed for 1/2cc weekly but ive been holding back to save up a decent supply. ok thats my background now this is my workout:
6-days a week it goes:
day 1=chest/arms -- strength/size reps
day 2=legs/abs -- strength/size reps
day 3=back/shoulders/traps -- strength/size reps
day 4=chest/arms -- size/endurance reps
day 5=legs/abs -- size/endurance reps
day 6-back/shoulder/traps -- size/endurance reps
day 7 rest
i had seen this workout in muscle fitness mag. its a very intense workout-but because of my lungs i have to take a slower pace than the artical recommeds.
for s/s days for strength for that exercise my reps 4-6 and on the size exercise its 8-12
for s/e days my reps are 8-24
with the increase in test-cyp i wasnt sure i would get any results with this workout-seems as i would working body parts twice aweek. i just have to take a slower pace-breathing treatments when necessary and such. but ive never tried any high test before ,would i even see a diffrence because of the dosage? if so what kinda gains should i see?
thanks to all in advance