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Thread: newbie -let me know what you think of my workout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    newbie -let me know what you think of my workout

    hello all, i am a newbie so alittle about me first: 31yrs old 210pds 5'10 bf% to much and want it gone: i have a low test (which i inject myself for) and pulmonary fibrosis. because of my lung disease i take alot of predisone, daily actually. as of yesterday ive started 1cc every week of test-cyp....doc only has me prescribed for 1/2cc weekly but ive been holding back to save up a decent supply. ok thats my background now this is my workout:

    6-days a week it goes:
    day 1=chest/arms -- strength/size reps
    day 2=legs/abs -- strength/size reps
    day 3=back/shoulders/traps -- strength/size reps
    day 4=chest/arms -- size/endurance reps
    day 5=legs/abs -- size/endurance reps
    day 6-back/shoulder/traps -- size/endurance reps
    day 7 rest

    i had seen this workout in muscle fitness mag. its a very intense workout-but because of my lungs i have to take a slower pace than the artical recommeds.

    for s/s days for strength for that exercise my reps 4-6 and on the size exercise its 8-12

    for s/e days my reps are 8-24

    with the increase in test-cyp i wasnt sure i would get any results with this workout-seems as i would working body parts twice aweek. i just have to take a slower pace-breathing treatments when necessary and such. but ive never tried any high test before ,would i even see a diffrence because of the dosage? if so what kinda gains should i see?

    thanks to all in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    Do you follow a diet right now?

    I havent done a test cycle, and eventhough this was not your question I say this.

    You being 210 at 5'10 with high body fat leads me to think that you are currently not following a proper eating regimen right now. I dont know what are the implications of your lung disease so this is really uneducated advise.

    Try to follow a good diet, dont know if you can do cardio or not but if you can go for it, you will feel better about yourself and ask yourself why you hadnt started before.

    If you cant no worries, try to eat better and maybe make your workouts more intense so you can burn more calories(again not sure if you can ramp up the intensity)

    but I would say get your diet in check (if it already isnt) before you start any workout regimen.

    thats just my opinion


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    Do you follow a diet right now?

    I havent done a test cycle, and eventhough this was not your question I say this.

    You being 210 at 5'10 with high body fat leads me to think that you are currently not following a proper eating regimen right now. I dont know what are the implications of your lung disease so this is really uneducated advise.

    hey thanks bro-yes my diet is actually good- high protein low carbs and low fats -- my weight goes up and down do to the predisone. the fat i want gone is your typical areas lower belly-obliques. arms-chest-legs-upr back/shoulders are good.. i know these are the areas you really have to work your ass off to burn. cardio is very hard-i can somtimes go 20 min on eliptcal then only 5min other times-but i do try to get some in when i can

    i was hoping to gain muscle from the increase in test-cyp -- more muscle more burn-atleast tahts what they say lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    rather than wear yourself out i would train for 1 thing only . . . . strength/endurance/size/tone ect..

    you could train for 2 to 4 month on endurance to get your fitness up. then after that a strength period or size period.

    if your training for endurance and size in the one week you wont get much size. . . visa versa.

    IMO set fire to that mag and start from scratch with your routine.

    it all depends on your life style and time you have but judging on your present routine you have alot of time to train but i would go like this . . .

    day 1 - chest/bicep
    day 2 - legs
    day 3 - rest
    day 4 - shoulder/abs
    day 5 - back/tricep
    day 6 - rest
    day 7 - either start over to day1 or rest and start day1 tomorrow.

    sets : 4-5
    reps : 15-20
    rest : 40 - minimum (seconds)
    cardio : straight after workout use speed intervals and keep heart rate above 70%. (above 130 - 140)
    Last edited by JK-87; 10-18-2009 at 01:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    it will be hard at first mate but when you start thinking its getting easy its time to change your routine because your platowing. . . . .sorry for the bad spelling and grammer it went out of the window when i started txting ha. hope this helps.

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