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Thread: my schedule, opinions please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    my schedule, opinions please

    hi all. just posting up my training schedule to get some feedback as to what you think. been training pretty well since feb, but have been reading quite alot of articles online and think i may be making the newbie mistake of possibly doing too much? although i'm not sure, so have a look and see what you think.

    day 1 chest and bi's

    flat bench barbell 4x8
    incline db press 4x8
    decline barbell 4x8
    flat bench db fly's 4x8

    chin ups 4x8
    hammer curls 4x8
    isloated db curls 4x8
    barbell curls 4x8

    day 2 legs and abs

    deadlift 4x8
    squat 4x8
    calf raises 4x8
    leg ext 4x8
    leg curl 4x8

    various abs

    day 3 back and tri's

    pull ups 4x8
    seated row 4x8
    single arm db row 4x8
    up right row barbell 4x8

    dips 4xfailure
    rope pull down 4x8
    lying ez bar ext 4x8
    close grip press 4x8

    day 4 shoulders and abs

    dumb bell press 4x8
    rear delt flys 4x8
    lat raise 4x8
    militay press 4x8

    various abs.

    i try to get a rest day in between each day but sometimes with work, wife and kids etc there may be 2 days or zero days between the odd workout.

    is this worout ok, or what could i change/make better etc?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    I don't know how intense ur lifts are but seems a little too much in my op

    Why not pick a time like really early in the morning where ur kids or wifey don't bother

    For me it worked 1 body part each day

    Monday legs squats 5 sets 6 to 8 reps then hamstrings in the machine 3 sets of 10 or 12 then either exentions or press 3 more work sets rep variable 10 to 12 depending on the goal
    Tuesday back wide grip pull down 4 sets of 10 , deadlifts( u can put this excersize in the legs routine but then do Romanian if u want to max ur deadlift do it as far appartment from leg day as possible...) 4 sets reps dependant maybe even a 5 set, bent over barbell rows and pulldowns 3 sets both between 10 to 12 range
    Wednesday chest incline barbell bench 4 sets between 10 to 12 reps, u can do bench press after for 3 sets reps between the same range and weighted dips for 8 reps ( that's 3 sets as well)
    Thursday arms My triceps are lacking so I hit them first ... Skullcrushers 4 x 10-12 reps, Tricep pulldowns 3x15 reps and overhed dumbell extension for the same
    depending on how I feel the fifth day I throw in either a body part that is behind( but then change the routine to make this part work 3 days apart )

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    Sorry my phone blocked.. Anyways for biceps I will do barbell curls 3x10
    dumbell curls 3 times a superset with decreasing load( failure ) usually try not to go below the 20 lb dumbell if u still want ti do moré just double pulley bicep cuele 3x8

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