Looking for ways too get my arms too grow so they are proportionate too the rest of my body. I have trained mostly using compound movements,but mixed in isolation movements every week as well. Everything else grew but my arms didn't grow much
Looking for ways too get my arms too grow so they are proportionate too the rest of my body. I have trained mostly using compound movements,but mixed in isolation movements every week as well. Everything else grew but my arms didn't grow much
im in the same sort of situation. i have descent shoulders and chest, but arms are poor. i find it a 100x easier gering size on my tris
Was thinking of concentrating on arms 3x a week,
bar dips-3 sets to fail
close grip bench- 3 sets, 10 reps
DB overhead exts,or rope overhead exts- 3 sets, 10 reps
Standing straight bar curls- 3 sets, 10 reps
Spider curls- 3 sets, 10 reps
seated preacher curls,EZ bar- 3 sets, 10 reps
And maybe some DB hammer curls for forearms,as well as DB/BB wrist curls, regular/reverse
But still waiting for pointers from any members...??
are they really not proportioned or do you just want big arms? lol
Less is more man, train arms hard once a week. You already work your bi's when you do back and your tri's when you do chest. Aside from your work ethic and diet, your arms and any other muscle will grow while you REST and training arms 3 or more times a week will never make them grow bigger because you aren't giving them any time to rest and recover.
Train your arms heavy (keeping form) once a week and eat and rest to grow.
okay,thanks. So how about those workouts I listed? And the amount of sets/reps?
i train for olympic style weightlifting so my trunk and legs are ridiculously developed-looking compared to my arms. it makes sense that your arms may not develop as quickly as the rest of your body doing compound lifts like you are talking about. however, you still want continue to do these lifts to stay strong and balanced. if you want to gain size in your arms exlusively, think about incorporating volume into your arm workouts. you know what exercises to do for your arms...just use a cycle that starts with sets of 10-20 reps for size, move into 5-8 reps to develop power in your arms, 3-5 reps to develop strength. play around with intensity but im sure you will get sore using a cycle like this and you will develop quality size and strength...it always works for me when i need that extra arm size and stability in my lifts. let me know if you have more questions. an example in my case would be when my hamstrings were underdeveloped compared to my quads: i would do 2 sets of 25 reps on the ham curl then about 2 sets 12 reps on sldl in the beginning of the cycle to shock them and build size. i continued to lower rep sets through the cycle and stayed sore but was careful not to overtrain. it was very successful.
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