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Thread: your opinon on working a muscle twice a week

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    your opinon on working a muscle twice a week

    ok guys im looking to change up my workout as some have suggested. my question is do you recommend working a muscle twice a week? my chest is what i really like to see pop. i havent got the full roundness i want. so this is the workout im thinking about:

    1 day rest-then start over -some cardio when im up to it-with my lung disease its tuff
    keep'n sets around 6-8 on major muscle's reps 8-12 - 4-6 sets on smaller 6-10 reps
    looking to build some size may throw in a strength exercise on each muscle group at the beginning of the workout
    whatcha think?

    thanks in advance
    Last edited by gabuilder; 10-22-2009 at 05:51 PM. Reason: left out info

  2. #2
    The guy who used to run my gym, an Isreali bodybuilder, used to train 1 day upper body, 1 day lower body, 1 day off. Guy was jacked and said he never even took creatine. His diet was 5,000+ calories.

    I think your split is fine under some conditions. The following is generally accepted:

    Small muscle groups can be trained more frequently
    Large muscle groups should be trained less frequently
    If you plan to hit a muscle 2x in a week, DO NOT train it to failure. Leave some gas for the next workout
    If the muscle "feels" recovered, you are generally safe to train it again

    Also VERY important: monitor to your attitude towards lifting to detect over-training. Over-training is not giving the CNS enough time to recover. If you continue to over-train, you will not want to workout. Your brain will say "no more".

    Try it and see how you like it. Everyone is different but over-training is very real, so watch for will destroy your progress.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'm currently starting the DC method again which is training the same muscle twice a week. If you wish to train the same body part twice I week I suggest you follow that method because that's what it's built around.

    If you're going to do it though you'll need to take in enough calories to recover in time, factor in stretching as a major part and be careful not to over train as it will impede your recovery time. I don't like the idea of not training to failure though. You should be training to failure on every set. There is a BIG difference between not over training and not training to failure.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by prairiedawg View Post
    i'm currently starting the dc method again which is training the same muscle twice a week. If you wish to train the same body part twice i week i suggest you follow that method because that's what it's built around.

    If you're going to do it though you'll need to take in enough calories to recover in time, factor in stretching as a major part and be careful not to over train as it will impede your recovery time. I don't like the idea of not training to failure though. You should be training to failure on every set. There is a big difference between not over training and not training to failure.

    thankx for the help!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I personally wouldn't do it mate as I beleave why train a muscle twice in one week if you train it hard enough you shouldn't need to train it twice . I'm a great. Beleaver to high intesity training why not give that a go ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I personally wouldn't do it mate as I beleave why train a muscle twice in one week if you train it hard enough you shouldn't need to train it twice . I'm a great. Beleaver to high intesity training why not give that a go ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I regularly hit bodyparts twice a week or more with the only exception being quads and hams. sometimes i will hit bodyparts 3 times in 8-9 days.

    I personally believe having alot of sleep helps prevent overtraining, for some people this is not possible due to work or family commitments - i try and get around 9 hours sleep sometimes more.

    I think it works for me.

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