Ok heres my split and the first 3 days of my routine. As I get through the week ill post the rest of the workouts.
Im 29yo
12-13% bf
Currently cycling e-stane and x-trene (Only second day on)
Trainging for almost 2 years
Goals are to gain lean mass, lose some bf
monday- legs (morning)
tuesday- chest (morning) Cardio (night)
Wednesday- Back (night)
Thursday- off
Friday- Shoulders traps (night)
Saturday- Arms (morning) calves
Sunday - off
My two off days are doubles at work, and i will ride my bike to work on those days for little bit of cardio. High intensity. Maybe only 5 miles total each day.
Legs routine:
1. Squats 135x12 185x12 225x10 275x6
2. Leg Press 540x12 590x10 610x8 (weight are just what i put on not sure what the machine has)
3. Stiff leg dead lifts 135x12 155x10 175x9
4. Reverse curls 50x12 90x10 110x8
5. lying curls 50x12 70x10 90x8
6. Hack squat 90x12 140x10 160x6
Chest Routine:
1. incline db 50x15 60x13 65x12 75x8 (messed up on weights here ill fix next time)
2. flat db 65x12 70x10 80x8
3. Decline bar 185x10 190x8
4. Pec dec fly 130x2 155x12
5. Cable fly 6x10 5x12 4x12
Back routine:
Wide grip pull ups....2 sets 10 each as a warm up
1. Dead lifts 135x12 185x6 205x 4
2. Bentover row Machine 70x12 90x8 110x8
3. Front lat machine 90x6 70x10 80x8 (new machine so tested it out)
4. db row 65x12 65x12 75x8
5. Lat pull down 130x12 155x10
6. Behind the neck 100x12 115x10
7. Standing lat pull down 40x12 55x12 drop set into 40x12
So this is my first 3 days of routine. Hows it look? Overtraining? Any suggestions? Ill post next 2 days when they come. Im logging everything while at the gym now. Keeping track so i know my gains and weakness. Just took pics also if you need.
Thanks guys!