Age - 31
Height - 5'11
Weight - 190 - (was up to 206 last winter, but through working got down to 195 at the beginning of summer and went from there) Weight is steady around 190 give or take when I am hitting it 5 days a week right now.
Body fat - Don't know exactly but minimal. Have probably 5-7 pounds every bit of it around the gut. Fairly lean overall. Tiny bit around the pecs from when I was big and then shrunk, but not worried about that it will go in time.
Supplements - Minimal, just some glutamine and a multi vitamin every day. Money is tight during the winter, cant really afford much more than that until spring.
History - Off an on for the past 10 years, but when on all out 5 days a week and great diet. Prior to last 5 months had not worked out for about 2 years. Past 5 months I hit it hard for 3 (with more of a higher rep get back in shape plan), took a month off and am now back at it at 3.5 weeks now going strong. Switched to a low rep strength building routine now that I laid a little groundwork. Plan to keep up this schedule through March. No juice currently, and have never been on any but that will be changing next spring.
Basically I am on a 4 day rotation, working out 5 days a week. I just recently combined a couple days that were separate to fit everything into the 4 days. I still do not go over an hour a day usually. The only time I really feel the workouts the next day is after 2 days later and I am still feeling it.
All free weight dumbbell because I am limited with space. Set every other minute. 4 minute break in between when I change up what I am doing, usually about 2 per workout. Reps are kept to 6-8 for the most part have a 10 here and there but am trying to keep them low and the weight high. I could be classified as a "hardgainer" I guess, but I have put on some weight over the years so I don't know if I fit that anymore. When I was really going hard at it about 5 years ago my weight never got above 170 very lean.
Day 1 - Shoulders (24 sets)
Day 2 - Chest (16 sets) Triceps (8 sets)
Day 3 - Back (24 sets)
Day 4 - Legs (18 sets) Biceps (8 sets)
Abs in there a little bit every day.
I hate cardio, get that from walking the dog every day at about 1.5 miles average. I am going to make an effort in the spring to try to step that up and get really cut though when the weather gets nicer and I can get out more.
My diet is flawless and I would guess I take in about 190-220g (or more if a steak is in there) grams of protein on about 2200 calories a day. Protein shake to start and end the day with chicken breast/steak/sandwich in the middle for meals. Skim milk with every meal. Honestly I don't feel I need to shove calories/protein in my mouth these days like I did in the past, and until every bit of this belly fat is gone do not plan to change that.
Basically the only thing I am worried about is over training, I used to do the once per week thing but I felt after about 4 days I felt good enough to hit the same muscle again vs waiting an entire week. So all I am wondering is if having 4 days in between (actually more a lot of times when weekends get in the middle) is enough rest in order to grow properly.
So what do you think?