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Thread: need to get my biceps growing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne

    need to get my biceps growing

    okay im currently 1 week into my cycle

    running 500mg testerone cyp
    400mg trenbelone ethanthate

    both ester were FRONTLOADED, so have fully peaked

    during this cycle i really wanna try get my biceps to come out since they are ALWAYS my trouble muscle group

    im trying to decide the best way to get them out

    atm im tossing up between either 3 routines, medium volume workouts at either once or twice a week, or just 1 large volume workout a week

    2 medium volume workouts ( 6 sets, twice a week)
    3 sets barbell curls
    3 sets preacher curls


    high volume (9 sets once a week)
    3 sets barbell curls
    3 sets alternating curls
    3 sets preacher curls


    medium volume workout ( 6 sets once a week)
    3 sets barbell curls
    2 sets dumbell curls
    1 set preacher curls
    what do u think is my best approach to gaining the best and most amount fo arm size possible?

    what do u think is my best approach?

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    id try the once a week 6 sets first......give it a few weeks and see how your going then change it up too the 9 sets if not happy and....then twice a week if your not happy......i wouldnt do biceps 2 x a week because its a small muscle and you use it doing other muscle groups.....but ive never done it before so my opinion is not from experience...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Looking East
    1 bicep exercise that changed my arms forever (for the better)
    Recline - Seated single arm curls.
    You basically set a bench like you would for incline bench.
    Grab to Dumbbells and curl.
    Make sure you get full extension on the down and stop just short of reaching the "break" or "relax angle on the up"
    No other has done so much to total size of my biceps.
    Rock on!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South Park
    I can only tell you what has worked for me. This is a problem for me.

    I did arms on Monday-high volume and heavy,can add in some fst-7 too.

    And I did triceps after Chest-moderate volume.

    And I did biceps after shoulders-moderate volume but heavy.

    Train biceps 2 x pr week,or the weakest bodypart 2 x pr week.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I have found that to shape my biceps I have used exercises that include front delts. this is based on a theory of connective tissue and fascia. anyway basically once per bicep workout I do an exercise where I basically lose my form in a slow and controlled manner.
    For example:
    1. 60* incline bench curls like stated above, but have arm extended straight down like it would when you are just letting it dangle, then when you contract, move the shoulder a little until you are fully contracted in bicep and front delt is activated also. so first the weight will move then when you are almost completely (if not completely) contracted, the elbow raises a little.
    2. curls like front double bicep pose: curl like pulling arms toward your head, then actually move the weight toward your head, this should activate your shoulders and if you are lean like me you might be able to see the muscle fibers contract more even after the bicep is completely contracted. (I knew a very big guy who only trained with weird methods that worked the muscle connective tissue)
    3. 4:50 into the "show", it shows milos' trainee doing curls with the pulley, his shoulders move slightly. I put a little more emphasis in making sure my shoulders get some tension from the bicep. It's almost like losing your form and being less of an isolated movement. here's the link

  6. #6
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    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by energizer bunny View Post
    id try the once a week 6 sets first......give it a few weeks and see how your going then change it up too the 9 sets if not happy and....then twice a week if your not happy......i wouldnt do biceps 2 x a week because its a small muscle and you use it doing other muscle groups.....but ive never done it before so my opinion is not from experience...
    thanks mate, think ur right stick to the lower side of volume first just to make sure i dont overtrain

    Quote Originally Posted by LeroyB View Post
    1 bicep exercise that changed my arms forever (for the better)
    Recline - Seated single arm curls.
    You basically set a bench like you would for incline bench.
    Grab to Dumbbells and curl.
    Make sure you get full extension on the down and stop just short of reaching the "break" or "relax angle on the up"
    No other has done so much to total size of my biceps.
    Rock on!
    hmmmm i like the sound of this exercise, definetaly give it a go

    Quote Originally Posted by omna82 View Post
    I can only tell you what has worked for me. This is a problem for me.

    I did arms on Monday-high volume and heavy,can add in some fst-7 too.

    And I did triceps after Chest-moderate volume.

    And I did biceps after shoulders-moderate volume but heavy.

    Train biceps 2 x pr week,or the weakest bodypart 2 x pr week.
    i like the idea of biceps following shoulders to improve workout, triceps im alright in, so prob put biceps on shoulder day then

    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I have found that to shape my biceps I have used exercises that include front delts. this is based on a theory of connective tissue and fascia. anyway basically once per bicep workout I do an exercise where I basically lose my form in a slow and controlled manner.
    For example:
    1. 60* incline bench curls like stated above, but have arm extended straight down like it would when you are just letting it dangle, then when you contract, move the shoulder a little until you are fully contracted in bicep and front delt is activated also. so first the weight will move then when you are almost completely (if not completely) contracted, the elbow raises a little.
    2. curls like front double bicep pose: curl like pulling arms toward your head, then actually move the weight toward your head, this should activate your shoulders and if you are lean like me you might be able to see the muscle fibers contract more even after the bicep is completely contracted. (I knew a very big guy who only trained with weird methods that worked the muscle connective tissue)
    3. 4:50 into the "show", it shows milos' trainee doing curls with the pulley, his shoulders move slightly. I put a little more emphasis in making sure my shoulders get some tension from the bicep. It's almost like losing your form and being less of an isolated movement. here's the link
    hmmm, yea i c what ur coming across, using ur front delt a little to assist in improving the amount of weight u lift, thanks for that, definetaly throw that into my workout

  7. #7
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LeroyB View Post
    1 bicep exercise that changed my arms forever (for the better)
    Recline - Seated single arm curls.
    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    1. 60* incline bench curls like stated above, but have arm extended straight down like it would when you are just letting it dangle, then when you contract, move the shoulder a little until you are fully contracted in bicep and front delt is activated also. so first the weight will move then when you are almost completely (if not completely) contracted, the elbow raises a little.
    what angle is the bench set at 45 or steeper?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Just remember to mix it up bro. I trained bi's on back days for a long time, aswell as tri's on chest days. I changed it up and trained bi's and tri's together on a separate day so i was hitting them twice a week, directly and indirectly. When i hit a plateau with my arms training this way, i will change my routine again.

    I usually do either 6 or 9 sets, but no more than that.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bulkn View Post
    what angle is the bench set at 45 or steeper?
    People do it at 45* but that puts too much of a stretch for me. kinda hurts my shoulder. just as long as you are not upright it will work. It is kind of uncomfortable exercise for me but it does the job. I always do it first to get it out of the way.

    the contraction at the top is key

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    People do it at 45* but that puts too much of a stretch for me. kinda hurts my shoulder. just as long as you are not upright it will work. It is kind of uncomfortable exercise for me but it does the job. I always do it first to get it out of the way.

    the contraction at the top is key
    Yeah i usually go lower than 45. almost flat even. I let my arms hang as low as possible then do a double curl. This is the only bicep exercise that destroys my a good way
    i highly recommend this one.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post


    Just remember to mix it up bro. I trained bi's on back days for a long time, aswell as tri's on chest days. I changed it up and trained bi's and tri's together on a separate day so i was hitting them twice a week, directly and indirectly. When i hit a plateau with my arms training this way, i will change my routine again.

    I usually do either 6 or 9 sets, but no more than that.
    lmfao ay if i came down to that one day maybe JOKES

    cheers mate

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post


    Just remember to mix it up bro. I trained bi's on back days for a long time, aswell as tri's on chest days. I changed it up and trained bi's and tri's together on a separate day so i was hitting them twice a week, directly and indirectly. When i hit a plateau with my arms training this way, i will change my routine again.

    I usually do either 6 or 9 sets, but no more than that.

    What is that stuff?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Dirty jersey
    Here is a tip when u curl dumbells hold the dumbell with your thumb and index finger touching the dumbell. so when you curl you are forced to turn your wrist to keep it palm up. Hurts like a mofo

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