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Thread: Training with a lifting belt

  1. #1

    Training with a lifting belt

    Wasn't sure where to put this....

    I'm going to start doing my heavy squats and deadlifts with a lifting belt. Im trying to find one online and the website is selling 6'' and 4'' sizes around the lower back. Which is better? More comfortable? more effective, etc? I could imagine the 6'' being more supportive but more uncomfortable. Anybody?

    I'm also unsure of a good brand to buy. Im looking for a good quality that will last without something dumb happening like the buckle breaking. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    yur mom's house
    Some of the 6 inch ones are so massive normal people can't even wear it on the smallest setting, check the length for waist size. I saw one sitting in the corner of my gym and though "score! I'll borrow that for today!" until I tried it and could have better used it for a hula hoop... And my waste is a bit larger than most

  3. #3
    hahaha. that must have sucked. thanks, ill go with the 4 inch.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    Quote Originally Posted by quadsofsteel View Post
    Wasn't sure where to put this....

    I'm going to start doing my heavy squats and deadlifts with a lifting belt. Im trying to find one online and the website is selling 6'' and 4'' sizes around the lower back. Which is better? More comfortable? more effective, etc? I could imagine the 6'' being more supportive but more uncomfortable. Anybody?

    I'm also unsure of a good brand to buy. Im looking for a good quality that will last without something dumb happening like the buckle breaking. Thanks
    I bought a six inch and had to poke holes in it to make it fit.....

  5. #5
    get a forever belt. i have a single prong 10mm belt

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by operation****** View Post
    get a forever belt. i have a single prong 10mm belt
    yes. get that belt.

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