Hi, new to the forum. Looking for some critique on my current training programme. Firstly though, a bit of info... I am looking to build muscle and bulk up, I have been training for 6 months now, during this time I have browsed through the forum for tips etc but now I am really getting into it I feel advice would be beneficial. I am currently weighing 13 stone 2 lb, which to you guys is..... 185lbs.
I am looking to make some good progress over winter. My diet is controlled but not strict. I tend to have 6-8 meals, I try to get a minimum of 150g of protein a day and over 3000 calories. I avoid eating fatty foods, my meals will be tuna sandwiches on brown bread, chicken and white rice, chicken and white pasta, pints of milk, fine oats, Powerbar muscle building drinks and finally I will ocassionaly eat fillets of cod with high protein beans. I will have one day at the weekend where I allow myself a takeaway or similar. Supplements.... I had been on creatine mono for 4 months before switching to kre-alkalyn of which I take two tablets before training, I keep well hydrated whilst having this. Post workout I have a 30g whey protein shake with milk accompanied with my largest meal of the day.
At the moment my workout consists of this...
MONDAY - Chest
3x Flat bench 6-8 reps
3x Incline bench 8-10 reps
3x Decline machine 8-10 reps
2x Flat dumbell flyes
2x Incline dumbell flyes
3x Bent over row 8-10 reps
3x Wide grip lat pulldowns 6-8 reps
3x Close grip lat pulldowns 6-8 reps
3x Seated row 6-8 reps
3x Improvised T-bar 8-10 reps (Barbell placed on against an right angled base of a machine with weight placed on the opposite end and a close grip attachment used to pull)
WEDNESDAY -Legs - Rest
Not able to train legs for quite a while after injuring knee
THURSDAY - Shoulders
2x Military press behind neck 6-8 reps
2x Military press infront neck 6-8 reps
3x Dumbell shoulder press 6-8 reps
3x Dumbell lateral raises with bent elbows 8-10 reps
3x Dumbell upright row 8-10 reps
3x Reverse peck-deck 8-10 reps
4x Shoulder shrug machine 10-12 reps
3x Standard dumbell curl 8-10 reps
3x Hammer dumbell curl 8-10 reps
3x W-bar curls 8-10 reps
3x Machine reverse W-bar curls 8-10 reps
3x Close grip bench 6-8 reps
3x Skullcrusher 8-10 reps
3x Straight bar pulldown 8-10 reps
3x Tri-dips 8-10 reps
And thats that! Currently benching 85kg, military pressing 65kg and curling 20kg, is that up to scratch for my age? Anyone feel free to give advice, if u need to know more just ask ... Thanks for reading!