i just want to hear whats everyones favorite bicep workout... jsut post them plz
i just want to hear whats everyones favorite bicep workout... jsut post them plz
Reverse barbell curls.
on a serious note.
this is my bicep routine.
2 warm up sets of preacher curls.
3 sets chin ups.
5 sets preacher curls
3 sets hammer curls
I got a thingy for incline bench DB curls.
spider curls, 3 sets
BB curls, 3 sets
Zottoman curls, 3sets
high tech names i know, but google them and you'll know the exercises
Hammer curls... it just feels like its doing more
lie-down bicep curl on the pulley..total isolation
since this section has become a section on lifting i thought id... keep it that way, stlutzkies
ive recently been trying to do more exercises that i dislike, and less of the ones i like. i thought itd be a good idea to document what everybodys favorite and least favorite exercises are, what their numbers look like, and ask again 4 or 5 weeks from now.
if not, itll just be me.
clean and press - 205
deadlift - 395
least favorites or ones i do the least:
snatch/OH squat - 135
flat BB bench - 225 <-- i now workout with my g/f so she can spot me
ill try to
- stay away from C&P and DL for a while
- do more snatch & OH squats
- do more back squats ive laid off of these for a while
- do more flat BB bench
hope you guys join me. ill post results in 4-5 weeks.
Straight BB curls 7 sets starting light, build up a massive pump.short rests
25reps, 15reps, 12reps, 10reps, 8reps, 6reps, 6reps cheat set.
One arm preacher curls 3 sets, focuss on eccentric part
15 reps, 12 reps, 10reps
EZ bar preacher curl
For me? Close grip pull ups. I have big arms, and haven't done a curl in years.
I like close grip e-z bar preacher curls and single arm dumbell preacher curls. You just have to find the best position for you with the single arm dumbell preacher curls.
Also, I like 21s or 7ups standing with an e-z curl bar
Straight bar drag curls or alternating seated DB curls
weighted pull-ups
drop set hammer db curls
drop set overhand ez bar curls (sometimes on a preacher bench, usually standing)
I always do bis on back day, and weighted pull-up is my first back exercise, so by the time i get to the 2 drop set exercises, only do about 2-3 sets of each b/c my bis are ready to explode; heavy, good/strict form, esp. as the weight gets lighter and lighter
I like incline DB curls
Single arm preachers!!
Weighted chin-ups all day brother
single preachers or concentration curls ;-)
My favorite is weight chin-ups but at the new gym can't do them so now, I do a weird chin up, basicly I pull up with a force and I pass where a normal chin up would end, then I release the handles, then re-catch myself at a 90* degree when going down, where you normaly finish when you pull up, then tense my biceps and slowly go down. (love doing this)
but my normal routine is ez bar wide grip curls, and preacher curls close grip, then hammer curls.
Curls are over rated... you'll waste time trying to fit them into your workout when you should be concentrating on compound movements...
Biceps and triceps both are biarticulate muscles... (which means basically that they cross 2 joints)... In this case the elbow and the shoulder!
In more precision...
The Biceps muscle Originates on the coracoid process (outer & upper most bone you can feel on your shoulder) of the scapula & Inserts on the radius (bone on the thumb side of the forearm). It's actions are to flex (front raise) and abduct (lateral raise) the shoulder joint, flex (curl) the elbow joint, and supinate (twist from palm down to palm up) the forearm.
The Triceps Muscle Originates on the scapula and humerus (upper arm) & Inserts on the olecranon process (the pointy bone of your elbow). It's Actions are to extend (press down) the elbow joint & adduct (opposite of lateral raise like - decline flies) and extend (opposite of front raise - like straight arm press down) the shoulder joint
So in conclusion... doing bicep curls or tricep press downs isn't working the full muscles potential... only compound movements work biarticulate muscles to their full potential because that's what a compound movement is - an exercise which involves more than one joint.... again as I said you should be concentrating on compound movements.
Thomask can u give me some examples plz?
anyone ever do negatives?
they say say chin-ups and pull-ups are the best for the chest, but since im a beginner and cant do that many of each whats the next best thing
For Triceps you're probably already doing it with Bench Presses...
Think about the movement of a Bench Press... you're extending your arm at the elbow joint and adducting your arm at the shoulder joint
Things you can do with this is to do Close-grip Bench Presses or Medium-grip Bench Presses keeping your elbows in close to your body... another thing I like to do is to do Pull-over’s stretching way back feeling the stretch as the weight nears the floor bending my arms as much as possible (without hitting my head) as I pull the weight up then extend like a skull crusher in one fluid movement.
As for Biceps: you're working them with Rows, Pull-ups are my favorite, and the best actual Bicep exercise that most bodybuilders don't ever do is Snatches or Power Cleans as you work the muscle in its entire mobility...
Now, let’s look at the famous Biceps Curls that the flashy showoffs like to do (and yes I'm talking about those guys who go to the gym and stare at themselves in the mirror while throwing up one snatch & curl after another for pure personal enjoyment of how sexy they think they are lifting the heaviest dumbbell they can move... and hoping that every girl in the gym is watching with eager intensity).
First of all, even if you do the Biceps Curl correctly, you're limiting your muscles movement to your elbow joint... you're able to get the flexion of the elbow joint and if you're using dumbbells and curl the weight from palms facing your hips in the down position to palms up in the up position you're able to get the supination movement of the elbow joint... However, you aren't able to get the muscle to work at the shoulder joint... at least not correctly!
Then, there is the Hammer Curl... now basically all you're doing is taking one movement away and limiting your biceps even more by not supinating your elbow joint... btw... doing Barbell Curls your arms are already supinated giving your biceps muscle that movement in the peak.
Lastly one of the laziest exercises I've seen is the invention of the drag curl... which basically is a curl where you drag the bar up your stomach as far as you can and then back down... all you're doing is finding a way to make an already retarded flashy exercise into an even more useless one... I think it's because you're able to use more weight because you're limiting the range in which you're working the muscle even more...
One possible exercise that I would maybe consider a compound strictly for working the Biceps muscle (at least for the proper terminology) has already been mentioned to some extent and that would be to lay on a bench extending from a cable station and doing a Cable Curl but pulling the bar up towards your forehead... basically doing a barbell curl and a front raise in the same movement... this would work the muscle in its entirety.
Hope this explains it for you
Negatives known as the eccentric movement of the exercise is a very effective way of maxing out you muscles potential peak and exhaustion, which is your goal in order to get the most gains... basically the muscle has to get bigger because it couldn't lift the weight... it's basic survival!
When you do negatives you should do it at the end of you last set or sets tgo fully exhaust an already failed muscle... but be careful not to over do it as it is an already failed muscle and more prone to injury.
One thing about the eccentric movement of an exercise is that if you eliminated it... you won't be (as) sore as you would have been had you not, which is a common practice in some workout routines. This is not to say that you should to keep from getting sore but basically that you can.
I agree with some of your points. However, Arnold did not build his arms by skipping the curls. I feel great pumps in my biceps after doing weighted chinups (my favorite and first bicep exercise). But after a set of seated preacher bb curls with 135lbs, my biceps are pumped like Jenna Jameson's ass
Well, yeah think about what position your arms are in when doing preacher curls... they're out in front and up like a front raise then you're curling your arms up that would be getting the full peak contraction... not the full motion in its entirety but... you get what I mean... I don't think this is anything new as far as information to anyone who's been doing it a while
My main purpose was to inform the uninformed as to how retarded I think it is to do countless curls infront of the mirror when they could be doing things that make way more progress as a whole... ie compound exercises!
Oh and I don't think Arnold built his arms doing curls I think he did compound exercises (the kind most of us don't do anymore) and with genetics ... Then after he was huger (than he probably was as a teenager... haha) he used isolations to sculpt them into an art form known as Arnold's Arms... haha
Funny shit "Jenna Jameson's ass" hahaha
Oh ok bro- I misunderstood. The first bicep workout I do on bicep day is weighted chins. Just reading this post makes me want to add power cleans. I may make that my second bicep exercise and see how it goes
Yeah that's my favorite too... just did my arms tonight:
Close-grip Decline Bench
5 X 5 with 1 min rest after 1st and 2nd set then 30 sec rest after 3rd and 4th
6-2-4 tempo
-At the top, I like to squeeze tight on my grip and act like I'm trying to slide my hands outward on the bar.
Weighted Dips
2 X 8-10 with 2 min rest
5-1-3 tempo with a 2 sec squeeze at the top
Skull Crushers
2 X 8-10 with 2 min rest
5-1-3 tempo
Weighted Chin-ups
5 X 5 with 1 min rest after 1st and 2nd set then 30 sec rest after 3rd and 4th
4-2-6 tempo
-On my last 2 sets: 4th and 5th reps, I mostly concentrate on the squeeze at the top and eccentric movement.
Incline Seated Dumbbell Curls
2 X 8-10 with 2 min rest
4-2-6 tempo
-I curl the weight up towards my shoulder and until my elbow points out in front with my forearm twisting over. Some people say the weight is off because it's balanced by that point, but I don't care. I'm mostly concentrating on flexing my biceps as hard as I can. The weight doesn't mean crap as long as your muscle is peaked out.
Preacher Curls
2 X 8-10 with 2 min rest
4-2-6 tempo
-1st set is with a Dumbbell one-arm then 2nd set with a Barbell. Lots of negatives at the end.
Sometimes I like to throw on a set or two of Pressdowns after Skull Crushers just to top off my Tri's & like tonight when I finished my Preacher Curls I grabbed some Dumbbells and did a set of hammer curls, I think 8 reps then dropped those and grabbed a bigger dumbbell twice the size holding it with both hands Isometrically for a count of 15 secs squeezing the crap out of my Bi's... They were pumped so hard... "they looked like Jenna Jameson's Ass" hahaha
Proper Clean technique doesnt work biceps. The lift involves mostly traps and some lower back and legs. You only use your biceps to pull yourself under the weight, not to pull the weight up. Great for traps, especially clean pulls. When you clean properly even with power cleans, the timing of leg explosion, thrusting of the hips forward and a tremenous shrug with the weight accelerates the weight up, you just catch it by pulling yourself under at peak height. The same applys to snatchs, just a way more technical lift. There is minimal use of the biceps during the lifting of the weight, not the extent that would justify a great bicep lift. Traps are key in this lift. But it is a great lift to do, especially for power athletes. Keeping the weight close the entire way through the body is key, but who ever thinks cleaning works biceps is wrong.
Last edited by go4gold; 01-18-2010 at 08:35 PM.
I do cleans all the time and my biceps get a workout they have to be used unless you're able to power the weight all the way past your waist to your shoulders without the use of your arms... which I think is just about impossible.. unless you're using too light of weight!
Its not impossible, Its hows its done. The weight should explode up. Power clean should have the weight powered past the hips, that is proper technique.There will be a slight bend in the arms as the weight accelerates, but this is natural body mechanics. If you pull with your arms, that causes increase strain on the back and can lead to injury. Maybe you should lift lighter then. The lift is more technical then people relize. Its a great power lift, just not a lift that is particullay for working Biceps, thats all. Here is a vid of a power clean, A bit extreme, but good technique. Even with the snatches, you don't reall pull with your arms, the weight is just accelerating that fast.
Last edited by go4gold; 01-18-2010 at 10:29 PM.
Yeah... I don't do cleans like that... I'm not a powerlifter... I'm a body builder and I do my lifts as such... Yeah I know you guys have your ways and you can lift a lot of weight but thats not my objective... I don't mean to offend you but I'm not going to get much out of popping the weight in the air and dropping/squatting my body under the weight... I do cleans where my muscles lift the weight not my momentum... I clean with 185lbs right now and I pull the bar up with my muscles and catch the weight standing not squatted on the floor... I've done it this way for years and I have no problems with my back or injury so I think I'm good doing it the way I like it...
No offense Bro...
None taken, it's all good. Your right, to each their own.
I dont agree with doing compound movements on Bicep or tricep day.
You have already done those compound movements when training Back, Chest etc..
I have always gotten best results when training arms in Isolation.
For me doing heavy compound training for arms pushes me into an overtrained state where I feel that my other bodyparts (Chest, Delts, Back) all suffer due to lack of rest.
Just My Opinion tho, do what suits
Log curls
heavy tire flips
preacher curls
hammer curls
heavy barbell curls
The way i see arms training TK, if your doing your heavy chest and back compound movements your training your arms also as they are synergist muscles with those compound movements, however it would be beneficial when you train your arms separately that you incorporate a majority of isolation exercises.
so in turn your bi's and tri's get a compound w/o and isolation workout in through the week rather then two compound ones, if that makes sense?
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