I'm just returning after a long layoff (I had shoulder surgery Oct 2008). I've been back in the gym for about 3 months. Can you guys please critique my back/bi workout? I will be doing all exercises 3x8-10 with the same weight every set. When I hit 10 reps on all 3 sets I will increase the weight the next workout week. I can't do squats because of an old back injury and because my ROM is horrible from the shoulder surgery.
1. Sled 45 degrees leg press
2. Leg extensions
3. Lying leg curls
4. Standing calve raises or seated calve raises
5. Seated crunch machine
Here is a video of the sled 45 degrees leg press: ( http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/...5LegPress.html )
A couple questions:
1. How does this leg workout look? Too much? Not enough? Exercise selection? Order of exercises? Sets and reps?
2. Seeing that I'm already doing the sled 45 degrees leg press for my first exercise, is it even necessary to do leg extensions for my second exercise? The sled 45 degrees leg press works the quads and so do leg extensions, so should I just drop the leg extensions or should I just do both?
3. Does the sled 45 degrees leg press work the hamstrings at all?
Thanks guys.