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Thread: starting to cut NEEEEEED help

  1. #1

    starting to cut NEEEEEED help

    hi guys
    i hope this is the correct place to post this question, if not please let me know where

    i just finished my cycle of TEST and DECA about 12 days ago and the results were amazing and love every bit of them i went from 160 to 185lbs and now i want to lean up and reach around 6-7% body fat and need help on how to do it

    i have a few question

    how should i change my diet?
    how should i change my workouts?
    Are there any formulas or anything no how to lose fat while not losing size or muscle?
    i obviously don't want to lose size just body fat

    any advice would be great

  2. #2
    why isnt anyone posting any replies to my question? wrong section?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyred View Post
    hi guys
    i hope this is the correct place to post this question, if not please let me know where

    i just finished my cycle of TEST and DECA about 12 days ago and the results were amazing and love every bit of them i went from 160 to 185lbs and now i want to lean up and reach around 6-7% body fat and need help on how to do it

    i have a few question

    how should i change my diet? RE-DO YOUR MACROS TO CUT WITH
    how should i change my workouts? INCREASE YOUR REPS FROM WHATEVER YOU WERE DOING BEFORE TO SETS OF 8-12Are there any formulas or anything no how to lose fat while not losing size or muscle?
    i obviously don't want to lose size just body fat

    any advice would be great
    Check the bold and how much cardio are you doing?

    I would reccomend either first thing in the am on an empty stomach for 30-45min or pwo cardio..

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