Rather what to eat before and after.
Rather what to eat before and after.
Last edited by Eddie_m63; 01-24-2010 at 05:58 PM.
lol sorry man think you should remove this,
the video is incorrect in many ways
he doesnt emphasize pre workout nutrition which is vital to gaining size and getting a good workout, he also recomends food thats very basic, good if your a chcik or overage joe, but useless if your into bodybuilding and a steroid user
he states protein is useless right after a workout, again incorrect,
and then he states 45 minutes after a workout you have to wait to drink protein, again incorrect
he emphasized high g.i carbs only after your workout, again incorrect since recently its shown that post workout nutrition as been exaggerated heavily
purely carbs is really bad for you after a workout if you wanna gain muscle and preserve it, while preventing fat gains
That's why i posted it, but don't worry i take my protein shake after my workout before my cardio.
its all really over rated anyways, some say there is this magic 20 min window, others say 80 grams dextrose and 60 grams protien, then 60-90 min later whole food meal. I have found that its very negligable in my case. I could wait an entire hour and go eat at Outback steakhouse, or drink a shake 2 min after. Neither one is gonna make me or break me. People can get too scientific sometimes. This guy is most likely speaking for the bulk of people who just want to be thin and fit, not bodybuilders
i go stait for an insulin spike after a workout, I use the walmart brand celltech copy (imo its just as good, spike insulin and gives u creatine... may not be the most refined creatine but it does the trick)
i wash down my walmart cell tech with about 50 grams of whey, I like good quality whey, cant stand the walmart whay... "on" hydrowhey A+ stuff
how ever, I have been wondering, I know that when u mix protein with carbs the GI is lowerd so the insulin spike wouldn't be so intense.
I know, I know, I'm over complicating it.
I've always mixed and results are fine for me, just wanted to hear yalls thots, sound like we got som intelligent folks oh here.... NVR2BIG1....RANGING1....What do yall think?
The need for a PWO insulin spike is one of the most debated subjects on the board. You have some pretty intelligent individuals who are on opposing sides. I am not a huge fan of insulin spikes but if you are going to have one PWO or first meal of the day is the time to do it. Money and Mass is also correct, adding protein to a meal will slow the insuling release to some degree.
agree this guy is speaking for general people i believe
yes adding in protein does slow down G.I rating, however using whey tends to help keep the G.I rating high
i personaly am a big fan of pre workout nutrition, i believe this isnt emphasised enough in the current bodybuilding world, though however ive noticed in recent few years there has been a growing emphasis on pre workout nutrition since people are starting to realise its importance if your goal is muscle building
i personaly value my pre workout nutrition higher then my post workout nutrition (on bulking that is)
this is just becuase i believe if you bulking, you want the most out of your workouts, i mean the harder your able to train the more your going to be able to stimulate growth
if your pre workout nutrition is shit, then your workout is going to suck and your not going to get much growth out of yourself.
even with a good PWO nutrition plan, its almost useless if you havent given your body good stimualtion and workout nessecary to promote growth
this is my opinion the the topic
i think the hype of post workout nutrition has arisen from sports where alot of energy is expelled over long periods of time, e.g cycling, running, football etc, in these cases large amounts of carbs are nesecary to replish lost glycogen stores
however in the gym, if your training 2 muscle groups your not going to deplete that level of glycogen, so IMO u dont require these excessive amounts of high G.I carbs
Wrong section hahaha...
but while we're here and intelligent folk seem to be articulating, perhaps someone (raging1) could explain in some detail as to what PRE-workout nutrition should look like?
the whole insulin spike vs no spike debate really pisses me off. everyones different, thats the golden rule. your going to have thousands of personal trainer 'gurus' telling you this is right and thats wrong when really they can all get fuked becos they dont know your body and what works best for you. someone like david henry only eats 100g of carbs in the off season, people say thats mad and you wont gain muscle but look at him.
really depends on your body first and goals
im speaking purely from a bulking point of view (NOT LEANING)
a good carb source, and protein source are ideal
fat should be kept low, so digestion isnt slowed to greatly
the timing of your meal is also important, since when it is absorbed and is avialable to your body should be around the time your working out, that way you minimise muscle catabolism, and your muscles and body are able to utalise the greatest amount of glycogen available to it, the slight rise in insulin during this time will also help keep muscles in the strong or descent anabolic state
while protein during this time also preserves muscles
me personaly, i find 70-100 grams of slow/medium digesting carbs and 45grams of protein at approx 50mins before my workout, gives me great energy levels throughout my workout, and boosts my strength aswell as allows me to train harder
a sample meal like this would be 2 chicken breasts, half a cup or 3/4cup of uncooked brown rice (obviously cook it)
remeber i am over 100kg with a average metabalism, so not everyone should follow my exact food ratios since you might put on a little more fat since you dont require that level of carb intake
you need to cater to your body, im sure most people are aware of how their body responds to levels of food intake
however on average im going to say if your bulking, i would siggest you try having half a cup of uncooked brown rice (again cook it obviously) with a 45 gram protein source (you can choose)
good source is egg whites, u can boil them, then dice them and mix them into your rice
this is just a starting point, see how your body responds, im sure some people might find this not enough, so ud have to increase it slightly like myself
others i dont think their would be many people needing less then this, this is a steroid forum, and im going to go out on a limp here and say if your bulking in a steroid forum you should be a descent size already, so my food reccomendation as a starting point shouldnt be to hard, or to much for your body size
as for post workout, i think its really debatable, but IMO its best to design ur post workout carbs according to the volume and body parts you train
if you trained biceps and calves you most likely wouldnt require 70 grams of post workout carbs, since these are small muscle group
however if you trained say legs and back (prob a little to much for a workout, but this is a hypothetical example) then you prob are going to need those 70 grams of carbs
whats walmarts brand of cellmass called?
Im with Ranging on this one. Pre workout nutrition is key for me. I HAVE to have complex carbs (bout 45) minutes before workout - this really gives me energy to push to my max without that 'I'm tired before I even start feeling'.
I have brown rice and chicken breast, or a stack of provitas (complex carb crackers) smothered in fat free cottage.
As far as PWO nutrition is concerned, I only really learnt about it at the beginning of last year and its really made a difference in my gains (but everyone is different).
After every workout I have 45g carbs from noodles (highest GI I can find) and chicken breast. really works for me
for preworkout i have always found 100% whole grain oats work really well with as much water as humanly possible. remember guys, a bloated fat cell is a happy cell!
for postworkout we have done some studies at my university and found that you really only need 20g of a good protein source within a 2 hour window. adding carbohydrate to this will help you see results a bit quicker but there is no need to slam a protein shake in the gym as we all see many inexperienced lifters doing, they generally are a lot smaller than all of us, right guys?!
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