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Thread: Could do with some adivce please guys!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Could do with some adivce please guys!

    yoo guys im looking to build some mass through my workout but my shoulders are lagging compared to the rest of my body due to an injury i had and couldnt really train then heavy for quite a long time.

    for my shoulders i currently do this

    DB shoulder press 3sets 10 8 6
    Upright Row 3sets 10 8 6
    Rear delt Fly 3set 10 8 6
    superset DB side lateral raise with Barbell shurgs 3sets 12 10 8
    DB arnies

    i have been doing this for a while and think i need to change it up bcoz i have adapted to this any1 with any criticisms on this workout or if ye could advise me on a new workout all together it would be much appreciated cheers guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Are you on gear? I think you're doing too much man.

    Try doing:

    barbell shoulder press 2 sets
    dumbell shoulder press 2 sets
    lateral raises 3 sets

    Personally I love the smith for barbell shoulder press, can really pack on the weights.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    im experimenting with a dbol only cycle to see what kind of gains i can get and maintain.
    i know alot of ppl disagree with this and i dont mean to sound disresprectful but dont bash it lol

    and i want all 3 heads of my shoulder developed front side and rear thts why i do that much work on them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by DangerDave View Post
    Are you on gear? I think you're doing too much man.

    Try doing:

    barbell shoulder press 2 sets
    dumbell shoulder press 2 sets
    lateral raises 3 sets

    Personally I love the smith for barbell shoulder press, can really pack on the weights.
    good suggestions

    if you wanna bring out your front deltoid dry doing

    2 sets dumbell shoulder press, rep range 6-8
    then 1-2 sets of machine shoulder press, reps 8-10 (focus on a smooth movement with this exercise, slow down with the negative motion, and force it back up, then repeat)

    for middle deltoid, try upright rows but use a grip just (about 2cm each arm) within your shoulder span

    do 1 set 10 reps

    rest 3 minutes

    2nd set 8 reps, and superset it with 10 dumbell lateral raises

    3rd set 8 reps, drop seted with another 4 reps

    your rear delts should be training on back day, not your shoulder day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    i like the shound of that thanks mate

    just so that i know how to get rear delt into my back workout out can ye help me out on what i should be doing on back workout, this is what i do now

    3sets max wide grip pull ups
    3 sets behind head lat pull down
    3 sets bent over barbell row
    3 sets deadlift

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    australia, melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by jjfman View Post
    i like the shound of that thanks mate

    just so that i know how to get rear delt into my back workout out can ye help me out on what i should be doing on back workout, this is what i do now

    3sets max wide grip pull ups
    3 sets behind head lat pull down
    3 sets bent over barbell row
    3 sets deadlift
    ouch thats dissapointing workout lol

    okay new workout
    Workout A
    2 sets pull ups using a v bar, rep 5-7 (add weight to urself to you fall in this rep range)
    1 set pull ups wide grip, reps 6-8 (not to wide, just comfortable) (add weight to urself to you fall in this rep range)

    then alternate between workout B, and C each week

    workout B
    1 set pull ups, (with hammer grip) reps 8-10
    3 sets bent over t bar rows, rep 6, 8, 8
    2 sets cable row with lat pull down bar (wide grip)
    3 sets barbell shrugs, reps 8, 10, 12
    2 sets reverse fly on peck deck reps 8, 10

    Workout C
    5 sets deadlift reps 8, 6, 5, 10, 8
    2 sets barbell shrugs reps, 12, 15
    2 sets reverse fly on peck deck

    so the workout split would look like

    week 1: workout A, B
    week 2: workout A, C
    week 3: workout A, B
    week 4: workout A, C

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    That sounds alot alot better I'm gunna get writing up a new programme now so that I know exactly what I'm doing.
    Thanksalot for your help mate

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