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  1. #1
    POPS's Avatar
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    changing it up a bit, need feedback.

    Hey guys!

    A little history about me for those who do not know me. Ill be 40 this June and am currently 5'7, 190 and about 18%bf. I have done 2 ph cycles hdrol and spawn. I know that some of you have told me that this should not have done unless bf was under 15% but oh well. What is done is done.

    I currently take : multi, fish oil, vitamin c, bcaas during training, whey for pwo.

    Diet is solid. Tdee is right around 2800 cals so I eat close to this as well following close to 40/40/20.

    Cardio is 5-7 days/week keeping hr under 125 for 50min/day.

    I have been fighting with a sore shoulder for the past few months so I decided to give the weights a rest for good for 3 weeks to see what happens. At this point of my life I realized that in being lean is better than being big.

    Just at the end of Jan I caught the flu and have not been to the gym since. So I realized that I still need to keep my diet in check and also stopped taking creatine but kept with my other supps.

    I guess the point here is that I started to do a very simple way of training before I got sick and need feedback.

    I will do 20 push-ups, supersetted with 8 reps of bb curls, supersteed with 20 reps of an ab exersize. Ill wait 60 sec and repeat 3 more times. Once I finish I do 25 min on the elip AND 25 min on the T.M. Ill follow this m/w/f and thursday Ill do legs and skip cardio and get it back on Saturday.

    Believe it or not I feel like I have a great workout with a nice pump, my shoulder has no pain, Im getting in major cardio and Im in and out in no time.

    Obvoiusly my goals are to get lean without loosing too much muscle. I know that if the fat is not dropping fast enough Ill have to tweak my diet and such.

    Any feedback on my routine?

    Thanks in advance, pops.........

  2. #2
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    That's all up to you man. If you like it and you're getting the results you desire, then no one can say it's wrong. If you're not getting the results, change it up till you do. Sounds good to me. Keep up the good work.

  4. #4
    POPS's Avatar
    POPS is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    That's all up to you man. If you like it and you're getting the results you desire, then no one can say it's wrong. If you're not getting the results, change it up till you do. Sounds good to me. Keep up the good work.
    I was thinking the same. If something is not working Ill change it up..


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