Thread: Question
02-10-2010, 04:49 PM #1
What is suggested to take after doing cardio?
Would you bros recommend a whey protein shake? Or food?
02-10-2010, 04:57 PM #2
02-10-2010, 06:50 PM #3
You will want to eat ASAP after you are done with cardio! even if you are trying to lose weight. If you don't eat you are putting your body in an extremely catabolic state... especially if it is more than an hour after your workout. When losing weight you want to lose fat, not muscle... and if you only do a protein shake then you are setting your muscle up for breakdown.
Heres what I do
Pre wo: whole grain something w/ casein protein shake (whole grain will burn slowly throughout your workout, casein protein burns slower than whey and will be utilized longer in your workout.
During wo: carb/protein drink ( I usually will mix gatorade and a scoop of whey... this will fuel your muscles during your workout to give them the energy they need to work at your maximum )
Post wo: high glycemic carbs (white rice, white bread, sugars, potatoes, etc.) and whey protein (will absorb fast into the blood to hit the muscle ASAP to help build muscle)
I have worked with a bunch of research with this in college... there are many studies that will show pro/carbs during workout is better than just carb, just pro, or none. There are also many studies that will show that caloric intake is more important than protein intake after a workout. Just do a quick search in if you want some nice readings.
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