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  1. #1
    Josh_g's Avatar
    Josh_g is offline New Member
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    Traps and dumb bells

    I've been encouraged that I need to add some traps exercises tp my workout. I only have access to free weights. Anyone know some good moves? Also, is it worked on back days or shoulder days? Thanks.

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    i would do shoulders. dumb bells work fine.

  3. #3
    Josh_g's Avatar
    Josh_g is offline New Member
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    Any specific exercises you recommend?

  4. #4
    SaSqUaDgE's Avatar
    SaSqUaDgE is offline Senior Member
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    Dumbells Shrugs work good.

  5. #5
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    I work out my traps with my back, my shoulder workout is geared more towards the front shoulder muscles.

    Right now I use dumbbells and free weights like yourself.

    Shrugs and upright row. Need heavy weight for the shrugs.

  6. #6
    Josh_g's Avatar
    Josh_g is offline New Member
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    Sounds good. Thanks. Any benefit to behind the back shrugs vs. standard?

  7. #7
    polly56's Avatar
    polly56 is offline Associate Member
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    IMO highpulls are the best trap exercise, everyone that I train always are extremely sore after performing this exercise. Heres a video of the exerxise...

    However I teach this exercise with a little more explosion

  8. #8
    PC650's Avatar
    PC650 is offline Senior Member
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    i do traps on shoulder day and back day. i switch my routine up every 2 months, so the first 2 months i will work traps with back, then 2 months after i completely change my routine up and do traps with shoulder, i like to change up so my muscles dont get used to the same routines. i do behind the back shrugs on a smith machine along with front barbell shrugs or dumb bell shrugs, make sure you go as far up with the shrug as possible, i even like to tuck my head a little bit just to get the extra inch while shrugging up. also i like doin farmer walks and i heavy heavy rack pulls for my traps, that added extra size too mine when i first started doin them. i keep my reps for shrugs around 12-15 reps, that seems too work better for me, and 4-6 reps for rack pulls
    Last edited by PC650; 02-14-2010 at 03:59 PM.

  9. #9
    rmalouf is offline Associate Member
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    dont forget behind the back shrugs....most people dont do them, but i began doing them recently and have had amazinf results with, its like they hit a place that no other exercises hit...

  10. #10
    Josh_g's Avatar
    Josh_g is offline New Member
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    Great stuff guys. Thanks! I'll add some behind the back shrugs to my shoulder days and see what happens.

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