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Hey man it's pretty simple...
First off just from that pic of your arm I can tell you probably aren't in the best shape ever. Your probably just trying to work your "glamour" muscles. But hey listen up! Your bicep is a tiny tiny muscle, probably the most overtrained. Think about that, also a lot of people say this, you want your bicep to look bigger? Than work your tricep! Your tricep is a much larger muscle and just making that look bigger makes your bicep look bigger. And one more thing!! The majority of bicep exercises, I'll go head and say 99% of them (ball park figure) are all isolation exercises (ie curls of any kind), the kind of exercises you need to get that muscle big are compound exercises (ie bench or squats) the only compound exercises you can do for your biceps would be a pull up, yeah I know pull ups sucks, but they'll get your biceps bigger. So whenever you work biceps start out with like 4 sets of pull ups, add weight if you're a beast. And then after that you can do 2 sets of whatever little BS curls you wanna do, but those pulls are gonna be your bread and butter for adding size to your guns. Make sure you're doing them palms facing you with your hands pretty close together. Don't use any momentum with your body, just blast those biceps.