02-15-2010, 07:42 PM #1
Been trying to work towards a solid plan hard now this is what I have come up with.
I am currently 20 years old (as of the the 13th) and want to be up on stage someday as an elite this is my routine. Any and all help is appreciated.
mon/wens/fri 2 way split 6 days on one day off 6 days on 2 days off repeat
start with 5 mins roman chair crunches
mon wens fri- chest/back/legs (legs sometimes done in a second workout)
superset benchpress-1 set warm up
5 sets-10, 8, 8, 6, 4
wide grip chin ups 5 sets-10 reps
superset inclined dumbell press- 4 sets-10, 8, 8, 6
close chins (back wide is back also) 4 sets- 10
dbell fly 4sets-10, 8, 8, 6
dips 4 sets-15, 10, 8,8
T-bar-4 sets-15, 10 , 8 , 8
bent over rows 4 sets- 10 10 10 10
superset-cable seated rows 4 sets- 10
straight arm pull up-4sets 15
squat 6sets-15 10,8,8,6,4
front squat 4 set-10,8,8,6
superset hacksquat-4 sets, 10,8,8,8
leg curls seated-4sets-10, 8,8,8
donkey raises 4 sets-10
standing raises-4 sets-10
seated calf-4 sets-10
Hanging reverse crunch-4 sets 25
seated leg tuck-4 sets-25
bent over twist-100 ea side
Tues Thurs Sat
start with 5 mins roman chair crunches
Superset behind neck barbell press- 1 warm up 15 reps
4 sets-10,8,8,6
dumbell lateral- 4 sets-8
superset machine front press- 4 sets-8
bent over lateral-4sets-8
superset upright rows-4 sets-10
seated one arm lats-4 sets-10
superset standing bb curls-15, 10,6,4
lying tri extentions-15,10,6,4
superset alt curls-4 sets-8
tri push down- 4 sets -8
superset concentrated curls-4 sets-8
tri one arm ext-4 sets-12
reverse pushups-4 sets-15
wrist curl- 4 sets-10
reverse curl-4 sets-10
one arm wrist curl-4 sets-10
standing calf raises- 15, 10 , 8, 8
calf raises on leg press- 4 sets-10
verticle bench crunches 4 sets-25
seated twists- 100 each side
cable crunches 4 sets0 25
hyper extension 3 sets-10
diet is as follows
Meal 1- 5 oz oats skim milk, orange juice, grapes
Meal 2- 6-8 oz wheat bread, 4 oz chese, whole milk, banana
meal 3-5-7oz brown rice, chicken, veggies (carrots this week)
meal 4- prot shake (or 4 eggs whole) 10-16oz baked potato, salad
meal 5- cottage chese, whole bread, nattural penut butter, apple, orange juice
added more lean meat (meal 2 and sometimes 4 chicken and fish) no beef until another 2 or 3 months
8 hours of rest repeat
took legs out of mon wens fri and gave it a seperate day
just started dieting correctly and so far I feel great, if anyone can help tweak this up id more then appreciate it. Remember I am not using steroids and will not be until im 24 (4 more years) Any help is appreciated guys thanksLast edited by MurphDawgg485; 02-16-2010 at 12:46 PM.
02-15-2010, 08:18 PM #2
that workout would FOR SURE put me into an overtraining issue. but i dunno you so I cant say what it will do for you.
02-15-2010, 09:10 PM #3
maybe split it to an 8 day week and jus do legs a seperate day?
Last edited by MurphDawgg485; 02-15-2010 at 10:35 PM.
02-15-2010, 10:34 PM #4
and as far as overtraining issue, isnt each muscle getting enough rest between? 48 hours between with rest on sunday then the following week rest on sat and sunday. This seems pretty solid to me how can I make sure i am not overtraining guys thnx
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