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Thread: swimming on gear..

  1. #1

    swimming on gear..

    Hey Bros whats happening,
    I have a question, has anyone done laps in the pool while on gear. Iam going to start a cutter cycle and Iam wanting to also do a couple of triathlons this summer. Iam concerned with getting major back pump while swimming and thus not being able to swim for very long, I need to be trained to swim up too a mile. thinking about lifting before and then hitting the pool after and letting the pumps come down in the pool. Instead of starting with some laps and biulding up muscle tension in the pool? Do any of you Bros do any laps for cardio? If so what is your workout like?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Well, if you're training for a triathlon, you probably don't need AAS, imo.

    But, whatever.

    I'd stay away from orals if you're concerned about back pumps while swimming.

    And as much as I like swimming, I haven't done it for cardio in years, simply because it's too difficult to keep track of my HR.

  3. #3
    what I mean By BACK PUMPS is my muscles in my back getting so pumped I have a hard time moving them. I have heard others say back pumps and mean maybe there kidneys or some internal organs are hurting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Yah, I knew what you meant.

    That's why I said to stay away from orals...most orals (but not all) give me pretty wicked back pumps.

    Can't say I've ever had back pumps from just injectables.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the responce D7M. Iam not very happy to hear that orals Give more of the back pumps, since I will running an Oral (Anavar)as part of my Cycle.

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