For the longest time I have been on a push-pull split where I switch off between days A and B every monday, wednesday, and friday . I've made some pretty good gains from this but feel I'm hindering my gains by training the same muscle more than once a week and if I were to add a day C to the equation I could add in a few more sets and exercises to the other days.
193 lbs
13 to 15% bf
Right now I'm thinking:
Mon: Chest/Tri/Shoulder
Wed: Legs/Lower back/Abs
Fri: Traps/Biceps/Lats/Forearms
I know shoulders should have it's own day but I can't fit in another day in the gym, and my shoulders have always been pretty quick to repair themselves. Also, how hard would it be to do squats and deadlifts in one day? Could I substitute in leg press for squats? Thanks in advance.